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The Berbice Gazette

View original NOTIFICATION. °
BY the Honorable Court of Policy, and
Criminal Justice of the colony Perbice.
To all to whom these presents may come
or concerns; Be it kaown:
TIIAT the Colonial Duty of 24 per cent, on all
Produce delivered, or shipped from Estates within
the colony of Berbice and its Dependencies, from
the First of October to the SIst of December, 18!2,
inclusive, to be paid to the Receiver General of the
colony, has been established by the Hon. Court, at
their Sittings of the 20th Jan. 1813, at the following
Cotton 1] Stivers per pound.
Suvar 4
Coffee gt—_———_-—
Cocoa 4—
Rum SO —— per gallon.
Molass 20
Toa which Notifieation all congerned, are desired to
attend for their goversaucnt,
Py command of the Covrl,
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
BY Command of ihe Honorable Court o
Policy and Criminal Justice, of the co-
lony Berbice. - | ,
\ \ HEREAS by an Order of the Nonorable the
Court of Policy, of this colony, bearing date the
hth of April, 1813, a general Meeting of the Pro-
prietors ot Lots within the town of New Amsterdam
was held at the Court House of the colony, on Satur.
day the 17th April for the purpose of Choosing a
Committee, to consist in a Peosident and Six Mew
bers, who were-in future to have the Charse end Su-
perintendance of the ‘Pewn of New Amsterdam,
Thiese are therefore, by Command of the Jlonor-
able Court, to noitly ig the Pablies that the follow -
ing Gentlemen have beea lected a Comp cttee by a
mizjority of votes, mid aie aceerdingly cons tiled
by the Court of Policy a Committee tor the futur
care of the Roads, Bridees, Wokers, and g:nerall,
the affairs of the Town New Anislerdacn, ,
J. J.van der Stoop. Prersioxrner.
B. J. Schwiers. Commissarics
J. fl. Schlarieorst. tor ihe
A. Thornborrow. first Emypolder.
J. Th. Mathews. Com vissaries:
We. Katz. for the
J. Vogt. Second im polder.
Notice whereof is hereby given, that each and
every one interested, may gover themselves accord -
‘Nes Amsterdam, Berbice, 5th May.
R. C. DOWNER, Sery.
— - a
TS hereby given, that Mr. J. FL. Onervwuiire,
is appointed Seeretary to the Committee tor the Su-
pe rintoniaacs of tes Public Works, of the ‘Town of
New Amsterdan.
19 May. ; ‘0. vax per STOOP, Pt.
i =
View original Ste SS St ees ae Oe - a
THE Committee for the Superintendance
of the Public Works, of the town of New Amster-
dam, hereby require, thatevery Individual, posses-
sing ground in the First and Second) Enipolders, of
aforesaid Town, or representing Proprietors thereot,
shall on, or before, the 20th May instant, at the Se.
erefary’s Office, of this Colony, render in a State-
ment of the ground they possess, according to cert-
ain Printed Schedule, which can be obtained in the
intermediate time, by application at. said Oflice, on
pain of Forfetting FIFTY GUILDERS for every
Day, after the elapse of aforesaid period, and the
costs of Admeasurement, to be Executed by order of
the Committee aforesaid, in case of default.
New Amsterdam, 12th May, 1813.
By order of the Committee.
View original
View original Secretary's Office.
ALL persons having any demand against, or ow-
ing, to the Estate of Mr. Gostavus Grauam, dec.
are requested to render in their claims, or come for-
ward with payment to Wo». Fraser, Esq. New
Amsterdam, who, together with Messrs. Jas. Mor-
nison and’ FP. P. Grauaw, are the appointed Lx-
ecutors of the Will of the aforesaid Mr. G. Graham,
lee. Sccretary’s Office, 15th May.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
View original NOTIFICATION. }
ALI persons having any claims on the Estate of
the late Wau. Ture veany, Esq. either prive, or as
Deputy Vendue Masr, are desired to render in
their claims to the Curators appointed to administer
tu his estate, James lraser.
Lewis Cameroa.
John Downer aud
I) C. Cameron. Esquires.
ind all persons inlebted to that estate, are requested.
lomahe poy owal without delay.
Scere lury's O fice, Sih May.
R. C. DOWNER, See.
a a I,
View original NOTICE.
ALE persons having any demand on the Estate of
the late Evan Dancas Fraser, Esq. are requested
io conder tna Statement of their claims to the under-
siyaed, forthe purpose of being transmitted to his
).Aeculors. Secrctary’s Office, sth Muay.
rqN ‘3,’
IN the name of the Exeeutors to the Will of Jous
Mrwaer, dec.; all persons having any claims against
un d.state, are requested to render the same at the
scerctary’s Oflice of this colony, within’ six weeks
vor date, to cnable the said Executors to bring that
sate Com Close, lmmediately atter the expiration of.
hal ecto. Scordary’s Office, 8th May.
R. C. DOWNER, Seg.
i aaa nil lll apes
Words seadecrteerd, dat This és tu nform the fs.
le voogende personcen voore blic, that dhe Julluxing jute
remeius yn uel deze Nvuluntic sons ended Gidding ‘his Cou-
te tera. sken. duny,
John t oss) th in 6 weeks from April 10.
Isave | tes in weeks irom 2k April
Rroh. Sette de Piza in 6 weeks trom May 8.
Hoti. scorgy in O weeks from May 8.
rovle Read with the June convoy.
R.C. DOWNER, Secy.
que, ee ) eee eee —_—_——— .

WOKDLhicrmede behenh NOTICK ts hi rely gieen,
gemuakt, dat ecu maand na that a month iter date the
datu de volgende Lranyspor. Jullowing Leansports and
fon en Uipotheakea oe Hori giuges wild be passed,
verleden worden,
May 1. The Attorney of Hisabeth Sharp, will trans-
to D.C. Cameron, G roods of land ot lot No.
6, in New Amst. with the buildings thereon,
adjoining the premises of J. B. Rule.
May 15. Peter Mathews will transport will fransport
to Mary Macdonald 12) roods of land, on the
south side of lot Nos 42, second empolder in
New Amsterdam, fronting the middle road,
May 22. John McCamon qq. James Blair. will (rans-
port to John ‘Tapin, all the right and tithe of
the said James Blair to Lot 50, Corentyn ec.
—— John Davies, in quality of Attorney to Colonel!
Sheldrake, will pass a mortgage in favor of
J.T. & A. Douglas & Co., vested on Plant.
Warren, cast coast, Berbice, and 114 Slaves.
—_ee—_— -___.._....,
View original FOR SALE.
THE Subscriber has, by the late arrivals, receiy-
ed a general assortment of Dry goods ; also a quanti-
ty of excellent London bottled Porter. The above
articles she will dispose of for cash only; a few crates
of earthenware, assorted, is offered, either by the
crate or otherwise.
View original
View original WANTED.
TO Purchase, a Four or Six oared Tent Boat, or
Yacht.—Apply to the Printer. 15 May.
View original ere
The undersigned respectfully Give NOTICE:
THAT the Ship Sisters, Capt. Gemmer, is now
hourly expected at Demerary, to Load for Clyde,
with the First or June Convoy.—The greater part
of her cargo being now ready waiting her. ~—The
friends of her owners in this colony, wha may be de-
sirous of availing themselves of reom, are requested
to be early in their applications to prevent disap-
pointments to either party.
View original —_—————— FSS
THE Subscriber offers for SALE or RENT, his
House, situated in front of Lot No. 18, and will
wdapted for an extensive business, to an approved
purchaser or tenant, immediate possession will be gi-
ven, 15 May. WILSON TAYLOR.
ee ee
Two Joes Reward.
FROM Me. Jonn Carrenrer, George-Town,
Demerary, a Negro mau named Joe, a bredle of
Barbados, by trade a ‘Taylor, he is low in. stature,
speaks good English, and had been at sea for some
years, he has been offering himself on hire to Mr,
Arist, in New Amsterdam, and produced a forced
pass to hire himself'to any Master, as be can write a
tolerable good hand, he may change the form of the
forged pass he produced to Mr. Arisi; itis supposed
he is lurking about New Amsterdam, or has gone to
Corentyn coast- Whoever will apprehend and cause
the said Negro, to be Jodged in the barracks, will
receive the above reward, over and above the custo-
inary Yeward for lodging run-away negrocs in the
barracks, all ship masters and others, are cautioned
not to carry Him from the colony, nor to receive him
into thetr employ, tor Jolin Carpenter,
lo May. A. MceBAIN.
~~ _—— eee et
———— — -.-- -- ee ee
View original PICKED UP
A'T Fort St. Andrews, two four oar’d Boats, the
owners can have them restored, by paying the ex-
pences, on application to Mr. Jounx Kemp, or the
Subscriber. Tf not claimed in due time, will be sold
at Public Vendue.
S May. Tus. 1. SHAW.
—_———— ——= — — $l
ATL persons having any demands against the late
Joun Barrist, dec... are requested to render in the
same to the second subscriber.
May G. SCH WARTS, g /Xecut.

EEN ieder die iets te pretenderen heeft van de ka-
foen plantagie //oop, gelegen aan de west kust, ze-
dert den tyd dat dezelven onder Sequestratie is, ge-
lieven daarvan ten spoedigsten huune rekeningen in-
leleveren, behoorlyk gecertificeerd door den Direk-
tear, aan den Heer fl. Luruens, op het Erf No. 17,
of op plantagie Overy ssel aan
Mey. Overgeblevene Sequester.
—_——_— ——
ALL those who have demands against plintation
lfope, situated on the west coast, since the Seques-
tiation, are requested to render them in as ‘seon as
possible, and certified by the Manager, to Mr. Hl.
Luruens on lot No. 17, or on plantation Overyssel
I May. Surviving Sequestrator.
ds in Commissic te bel:ome ns:
—_—-_-— -.__.,—_ -
Vaatjes Hollandsche rol pens.
Trommels Hollandsehe banket,
Brown stout in oxhoofden,
Elegante dames strboije hoeden.
Jsu andere kleinigheden meer,
1 May.
View original Wendue Office.
Public Vendues.
On Wednesday the 26d inst.*will be sold by the
Venduemaster ih commission.—Newfoundland fish,
hams, pigs tongues, pickled and smoaked herrings,
beef, pork, flour, porter, port wine, liquors, Irish
linens, calicoes, platillas, sail canvas, Osnabrug’s,
coffee bagging & bags, creates of earthenware blue
cdged, paints & oil, puncheon hoops, &c.
G. BONE, dct. Dep. Fenduemr.
View original On Saturday (he 29d inst. will be sold at the Ven-
due Office, by the Acting Vendue Master incommis-
. ? J . ad . . .
sion, an assortment of Provisions, Liquors, and Dry
goods, &c.
G. BONE, Act. D. Vendumr.
View original On ‘Tuesday the Ist June, will be sod at planta-
tion Hogsty, Corentine coast, by order of the Cura-
tors inthe boedle of the late R. Merchant, all the
Negroes, furniture, &c. belonging to the said boedle.
G. BONE, Act. Dap. Vendue Master.
On Tuesday the 8h June will be sold, if not pre-
Viously disposed of, by oler of Messrs. Evan and
Angus Fraser, on the premises,—the whole of the
extensive and valuable buildings beloneing to them
on lot No. 3, together with household tucniture, and
what further may appear on theday of sae.
‘Terms of payment,—G—12—1!S—and 24 montlis.
G. BONE, Act. Dep. Vendue Mastr.
-_—_ ed
--—-— +
View original On Wednesday HMihJaly next, will be sold, on
the spot, by order of A. Kricger and Jos. Hall, Cu-
rators to the Estale of J. Siwyer, dee. —The two
Thirdsof Lot No. 71, Corentine, with Slaves and
all and every thing thereunto belonging.
G. BONE, A. Da Vend. Mr.
On Wedinesthiy the [st Sept. and following days,
will be sold by orlecof Robt. Fait, and Wim. Kew-
ley, Msqrs. tviheir capacity as Cucators to the Ks-
tate of the lite: Hichard Barey, dec.—The western
half of Piantation W wlandhall, being ong-(hird of
Lot No. 2, Corentyn const,
The southern half of Plantation [Torriet, being half
Lot No. 76 Correntyn, together with buildings, and
slaves, stock and all and every thing thereunto be-|
lounging—Inventories of which to be seen at the Ven-
due office.
G. BONE, ube. Dep, Vendue Master.
or — —_
FROM the Subscriber, a young Negress, named
Sophia, she is well kKoown in this colony,. baving
huchstered about t some time.—Nhe absented her-
self about Lovster. Any perce delivering her tothe
Subscriber, or lodging ber in the barracks, will re-
ceive AJOL Rewart. ancl any found seereting her,
alter this notice, will be proseented,
NB. Theabove Negress has very lately been seen at
the Fort, with a lorged pass.
View original ABSCON DED.
Since the 27th of March last, from the Subscriber,
a Negroman, named Jack, speths English, Deme-
rary and Berbice Creole, has a mark upon one of
his chechs, it is said he was seen at Capt. Warren's
house at the Fort in Demerary.—A liberal Reward
will be given to any person lodging him in the bar-
racks, or sending him to the subscriber.
22 May. D. CAMPBELL.
Thanksful to the Public, for the assistance given
lim during his stay in this colony.— Informs, that he
will, on Saturday, the 29th inst. give his last Per-
formance in this colony. On which time he will
perform, every tuing possible what will give satis-
faction to the Public. Hlandbills, of what will be
performed ou (hat day, tobe had atthe Theatre, on
NG. Lt arhappy the weather would not permit to
pertoria on that day, the following Monday, or
other day, the same will take place.
FOR SALE—At this Office—Blank Bills of Ex-
change, Bills o: Loading, and the A/anner of Procee-
dings, before the Court of Civil Justice of this Ce-
—$—$_ ssn
View original FOR SALE.
A piece of Land of lot No. 11, containing 14
roods, situate at the south side of the back«dam—a p-
ply to this Otlice. A7 April.
View original |
owen TE cue ee eee
—— [OVD GS aS
— KEMervjieSs
NEW AMSTERIA VM, May 99d 18)3,
—a > —
No arrivals—No fresh nes.
Krom the late :nglish Papers.
(From Bell's Weekly Messenger, March 3.)
It is considered, or it would certainly seem to be so,
that every new Minister has a kind of obligation to cume
forward with a new System of Finanee, and to prove his
litle to his eminent situation by proving his inventive fa-
It was the boast of Mr. Pitt’s friends that he was the
best Finance Minister that the country has known or be-
held. —He had heen brought ap under the careful instruc.
tion of a must able father, and his tutor had the same em-
incuce in mathematical profeundity which bis father pos-
sessed in political @conomy. Under these instructors, it
is hot perhaps a matter of very reasonable surprise, that
Mr. Pitt should unite the most consummate knowledge of
the resources of the country with a gost unusual accuracy
and ability in cgmplicare calculations. Mr. Pitt, there.
fore, braving ail Giese advantages of education, and hav.
NZ, Moreover, the Opportunity of confirming them by
carty experience, was beyond a doubt the first Statesman
in Kurope, and posterity will do him the justice which
the passions of his cotemporaries Inay withold. In all
forsign countries his fame is beter established than in our
own; and scarcely a foreign book, whether French or
German, is published upon the subjectof Finances, with.
outa reference almost im every page to his authority.
Mr. Pitt was suceceded by the Grenvilles. Lord Gren.
ville having become Lord of the Treasury, deemed it like.
wise his duty to come forward with a New Ssstems: and
the public may remember the complicate puzzle—the pour.
ing out of ove bason into anoth. ry which the Coreuyill
Ministry, under Loud Henry Peity as Chancellor of the
Exchequer, threw vut for the embarrassment aud amure-
ment of the peojde. "This Maiistry , assed away, and to.
Sether with them their pantouiune binanee.
Mr. Perceval, aman of great wert, and mort exem pla.
ry modesty, succeeded ; aad as he found that evs bY Uiasig
proceeded as (he puble guod requiicd, he avoided the va-
ity of seching the reputation of an Juvcutory at tie cae
pence of disturbing the commen quiet. Me adoy-ted, thor.
fore, or rather Continued, Ute sy stom of umaice as csiae
bDlished by Me. Pit, and leaving the Stuking Bund to pore
form the operations which that Minister bad assigned, das
applied himself to raise tne taxes of the year i tae wey ol
other Miuisters,—that is to say, citer by loans of taxes,
Mr. Vansittat, a Gentleman of the most undoul.ted
worth and excellent talents, has succeeded Mir. Hercesal,
but apparently has not succeeded to his prudeuce. He:
las come forward, we believe Very uexpectedly, wiih a
Hew System of inance, and in the frst article has pro.
duced himself as the subverter of what Mr. Pictehad cia
Dlished. The best of Me. Pitt's system was Chat the io.
vention of the Sinking Fund met the progressive accun.u-
lation of the National Debt: and by a geadnal accamula.
tion ou its own part, in the edectual but silent course o!
compound interest, insensibly diministed the amouns o:
Debt, aud thereby relieved the resources of th Couttes,
The ausmen(ation of debts was inacod beyond the possi
bility of avy immediate redeemiog pewers but Com) ovud
Interest had the force of gradual and incessant accauaue
lation to meet it,
Weshall now, however proceed to a brief eXplanation
of this System, forso itis 1) ‘be calleds though it as at je.
sent only in its commenccments but Wo the jivet: endel
should succeed, the next Will, doubtless, be must de.
1. The first feature of this System is, to make some
New provisions for the more elicctual redemption of the
Land-Tax. A New Bill is vo be brought in for this pare
pose. Its main object isto be to facilitate and simpli.
fy this redemption by the removal of seme of the formali-
Ges which at present oppose it. Another iss—to cnable
wiry one to redeem his Land-tax vradually, and by install.
ments, upon a simple notice tothe Collector that he wishes
to do su, upou which, such Collector is to receive double
or treble the yearly tax Gill the excess shall complete the
purchases, ‘hts is certainly su far av etlectual measure,
inasmuch as there are many persons who cannot aflord to
pay down the whole sum, but who will gladly aud vasily
avail themselves of such pay nients by instaimeuts.
2. ‘Lhe second measure is, that on all loans hereafter
contracted, there should be imposed an additional one per
Cent. on the Sinking Fund for their liquidation, and which
regulation should be extended to Exchequer Bills.
3. But the third and main feature is, that there should
be a repeal of the Act which enacted that the produce of
the Sinking fund should accumulate at compound interest
for the extinction of the National Debt; and that acon.
siderable proportion of such accumulation should be ap-
plied to the extinction of the interest of the annual loans,
instead of the extinction of the interest of the old debt.
The detail of this plan is briefly as follows:
1. That new Taxes shall be raised to the amount of
1,126,963 pounds, which should be added to the Sinking
Bund. 2. Phat a certain portion of this Sinking Fuud
should be applied to the extension of interest on the Loan
of the year.
View original “Tn thie way,’’ said Mr. Vatsittart, ‘*} have calculated
(hat, with the exception of the Taxes of the abeve-mene
tioned amourt, there will be no necessity for any new
Taxes for foue years. ‘There will be an immense accumu.
lation, moreover, of the National ‘Treasyre, as the amount
of the Sinking Fund wall be so much capital,” .
Such is this plan, which we certaiiMy cannot consider
in any other point of view than as the breaking up of Mr.
Pitt's System, and the fixing of the supplies of the year
upon that Sinking Fuad which was instituted to diminish
the National Debt. ‘The nation certainly gets so much
(treasure aud so much capital, because it converts iito
money for expenditure what it has hitherto respected as
money of redemption. Upon the whole, though Mr.
Vansittart has our best wishes; we cannot say that we
relish this intermeddling with the System of Mr. Pitt. It
is putting the question on false grounds, however to. talk
of the Tears of the Public Creditor; the Public Creditor,
that isto say ; the Stockholder, gives himself no conceru
about the Sinking Fund; whether it be appropiated to the
Loans of the year, or whether it be attached to the Fund.
ed Debt. The only question is,—is it not the violation of
a plan and system to which the nation has been taught to
look up for the gradual diminutian of its present burthen.
some debt ?
War-Ojjice, Feb. 10.
Sin,—T have the honor to acquaint you that his Royal
Highness the Prince Reyent, bas been pleased, in the
name and ou the behalf of his Majesty, to order, that
soldiers of the Foot Guards and Jufan cy of the Line de.
Sirons of re-enlisuing, after completing ‘the period of li.
mited service for which they may have been engaged, in
conlornitly Co (he provisions of the Mutiny Act, shall, if
found fit to continue in the army be allowed to receive
the same amount of bounty as is grauted at the time to
mew entering info the services; which san is to be issued
to them upon being reeattested,
The rates at present allowed are Wh 11s. for the fure
ther Lintled period of sesveu years, and Gl. Gs. for an
uulimiied period: and are_of course to cover every clfarge
dttending Che reecolistmenut.
Lam to add, thatien of 25 years of age, or amwards,
are tol pernatted to reeergage fur a longer period thay 7
sears, 1 have the honor lu Lary
Sir, your most obedient hunihle servr.
(Sistine dl) PALM!LiSTON,
Colonel of the... 6.6
Negimenl of bool,
hlorse-Guai ds, Feb. 10.
The Commander in Chief directs it to be Wotifed, that
regiments Of infantry of the line will be permitted to ene
bhcannually in part of their establishments, lift) Boys
of five feet in height, if not exceeding sixteen years of age,
Oslicers commanding Battalions or Depots of Regi.
ments stasoned in Grout Hritain or Ireland will report to
the Keermitiag Departinent. as sven as the preseribid
number shall be completed Cas bouuty will not bo allow.
ed for any beyond this number), so thas notiticacion m v
be meade to (he luspecting bield Otlicoers of Districts, tral
No ottes veormits Of this descriptiow are iv be cuiisted for
(he regiment duriog the year,
AI! former orders and regulations on this subject are
cancelled; and the following instructions resarding the
‘evy money, discipline, and general treatment of boysen.
listed under Chis order, are to be particularly attended to
by the Otheers in cowmatd of Battaliens, Regimental
Depots, KC. wie.
The Levy Money for each Recruit of this description
iy Gl. Dds. Gd. if engaged for limited service; aud 8!. 16s.
od. af for unlimited service.
Boys of fifteen years of age and upwards receive the
Saule pay as nen,
Those under fifteen years of age, are allowed only 10d.
per diem, ‘
‘I'he utmost attention must be paid hy the officers and
non-commissioned ollicers Co the messing, cleanliness, and
general conduct of these boys, as from their unremitting
care and superintendance, the gradual furmation of these
boys into useful suldiers is alone to be expected ; and on
. ° -%
their exertions must depend the ultimate success and be.
nclit which is expecied to accrue to the service from the
adoption of this measure.
It is essential that arins should not be put into the hands
of these boys until they have attained a hnowledge of the
dillerent modes of marching, wheeling, and the forma.
tions which occur in. the ordinary field exercise; and us
their strength will not at first be adequate to the manage.
ment of the firelock, a proportion of fuzils will be fur.
nished for their use, by the Ordnance Department. When
these boys attain sufficient strength to perform the dut
of soldiers, the fuzils which may have been issued to them,
are to be received into the regimental store, fur the purpose
of being delivered to the younger recruits of this class,
In the case of these recruits belouging to regiments which
have a battalion at the Cape of Good Ilope, or to the cast.
ward of that settlement: in North America, the Mediter.
ranean, or Gibraltar, they are to be forwarded to their
battalions whenever opportunities occur. But thev are
in no case to be sent to the West-Indies, or to join a
battalion employed on active service, until they are full
equal, in every respect, to the performance of their duty
as soldiers,
View original ‘ ’
The Commander in Chief recommends, in general terms,
the utmost mildness and lenity, as the best means of esta-
blishing discipline and attaching the boys to his Majesty’s
6ervice; and his Royal Ilighness directs that these boys
may constantly attend the Reginental School, with a view
to their being Jualitied for the stations of nou-commission.
ed Othicers.
By command of his Royal Highness, the
Commander in Chief,
(From the Anti-Gallician Monitor, Feb. 21.)
A very interesting debate took place on the 18th Feb.
in both dLouses of Parliament, on the motion of Ministers
for an Address to the Prince Regent, to supporthis Roy-
al Highness in carrying on the War against America with
vigour. Both partics appeared (to concur in sentiment,
that the American Government carried on the war with
this country more from passion than from policy. Our
Readers will recollect, we always were of opiuion that
Aierica, sv long as Mr. Madisou was at the head of the
Government of that country, was not to be conciliated.
All that we have said respecting that Gentleman we did
not derive from hearsay, or cuilect from his diplomatic
notes, or his neguciations ; we have better authority —
from Napoleon himself, who bas repeatedly told the di.
torofthis Paper, (and it cannot be (ve often repeated, )
that he had a party in America in his pay, who are obli-
ged to dv any thing he reqoives of them, ‘This diyclosure
we minadelony since; aud who can doubt the fact?) Ame-
Tica has been plundered by Banaparte ¢o the amount of
millions, and no remonstrances are made; but we, who
only wished to prevent the Americans from being plunder.
ed by the French, are buihed by them in return. We,
by vor Orders in Council, warned the Americans from
going to a French Port, as they were blockaded: the
Amevicaus did not mind the warning, but at a great risk
of being captured by our blockading slips, broke th,
blockade, and entered a French port. Now tie brench,
who are the Allics of America, instead of fceling gratitude
to the Americans for coming into their ports, and for iave
ing defied the warnings and meuaccs of Che British cruizces,
have, on the conirary, confiscated ships and cargoes, be.
cause they were hailed by a British cruizer. Lut we go
farther and we have proved by documents olicially extract.
ed from the Council of Prizes at Paris, that many American
ships were coviiscated which never bad met with a british
cruizer during her whole voyage, and sull America com.
plains of England, and is silent with regard to Fiance.
Respecting’the impressment of seamen, who were even
furnished with American Certificates, some people in this
Country may beleive, that the American President tia
carnest when he makes his complaint on Chis subject; but
we know, and the Americans Giemselves Know, that Ave
rican certificates are given lo men who never saw Amonca
intheirlives. ‘This fact welearut from General Armstroog
himself, when he was Atibassadurat Paris. A ian of Ue
name of Nathanicl Lincoln of isustua, Was taken by the
French, and sent as an agli oeponer of war to Verdun,
asa Captain of ance vaut’s vessel under British colours,
Lincoln app icd fo the Maisive of this Paper, when at Paris,
fo procure him bs liberty. Uniough the intervention of
his Ambassador, G. berg! Armstrong, @ he cond prove
by his certificate, that he was an cNmerican subject; but
the General would not stir at all in the busines, deciad g
that all these certificates were fibricated in Louden, ana
that thousands of them were gven away indecruninatel,.
Genezal Armstrong even went so far as to wrile a Leiter
to the French Minister of War aad Marine, to the sani
All that we hope is, that no indulgence wiil be shewn
to the Ameficans. Kveu during the last war which we
had with Revolutionary Fiance, they did us all the injury
they could ; and their Ambassador at Parts, Mr. Muurve,
went so far as to forged the dudes of bis bigh station, by
becoming the instrument of the beish Traiturs in Paris, as
it was through him that all the letters were forwarded to
the disaflected in England and ireland. A vigorous war
of one year will be suilicient to chastise the insvlence of
the Corsican Prefect at Washington.
Paris, eb. 0.
Scnators,—We have judged it useful to acknowledge
by brilliaut recompences the services which have becu ren.
dered us, especially in this last compaign, by our cousin
the Marshal Duke of Eichingen.
‘We have besides thought it expedient to consecrate the
remembrance,shonourable for our people, of those great
gircumstances, in which our armies have given such sigual
proofs of their bravery and devotion, and that every thing
that tended to perpetuate the memory of it to posterity
should be conformable to the glory and the interests of
eur Crown.
‘““We have, in consequence, erected into a principality,
under the title of Principality of Moskwa, the castle of
Rivoli, departinent of the Po, and the land which there.
unto belongs, to be possessed by our cousin the Marshal
Duke of Elchingen (Marshal Ney,) and his descendants,
upon the c'auses and conditions stated in the letters pateht,
which we have ordered our cousin the Archchancellor of
the Empire to cause to be expedited by the Council for
the sealing of titles.
‘“We have taken measures that the domains of the said
Principality be augmeuted in a manner that the possessor
View original
View original and his descendants | worthily support the new title
which we confer, and t&t by meaus of dispusitious which
belong to us.
‘*Our intention is, as is specified in our letters patent,
that the Principality, which we have erected in favour of
our Cousin, the Marshal Duke of Elchingen, should not
vive tohim or his descerdants, other rank or prerogatives,
than those whichthe Dukes enjoy, among w hom they will
rank, according to the date of the title.
**Given at our Palace of the Thuilleries, Jan. 8, 1813.
(Signed ) “NAPOLEON.”
**Stre—The losses which the premature rigour of the
season occasioned the Grand Army on its return from
Moscow were felt by your people of Italy as a uational
Love of the country, the pride of the Italian name, the
scatiment of individual dignity, tranquility, prosperity,
present happiness, and future hope, all are lost, if a Wall
of brass does not separate civilized Europe from the bar-
barians of the North; if the European Continent is not
secured against the corrupt influence of the British Cabinet.
I'he recent perfidy of a Prussian General is a proof of it.
To arrive, Sire, at this, the object of all your fatigues
—ol all your sacrifices—of all the perils to which you
expose yourself, who does uot feel that arms and armies,
sold valour, fidelity, and coustaucy are uecessary ? Every
Laing which depends upon them, Site y our people of Ltaiy
arececaser to ofler you. “This is nut the counsel of authority ;
it results from conviction, seaGment, a general cry that
our existence requires it.
This kingdom, Sire, is your work: it owes to you its
Protecting jaws, its monuments, its roads, ils Canals 5 it
owes ty you Uie prosperity of ats agriculture aud of its
uidustry, ‘Pwenty thousand [tatians only wait fur orders
to jum the Grand Army. ‘The Departmental battalious
burn to share that honour with it, ‘Phe Adiinisterators
vf the Communes contend for the hovour of viteriug horses
add Cavaliers, ‘The wishes of the nation outstrip tie de-
mands which necessity exacts, or ferelight counsels. du
theabsence of the Prince, your image, who anticipates,
under every circumstance, the dispusitions requisite for
the good of the country, the Italian Scuate, deprived ot
(he happiness of beimg near your huaperial wlajesty, begs
you to believe the sincerity of ity seutments, and with
goutliess receive the homage, which, by its orgin, the
Wduon lays at your lect,
The Senate docs not speak’ of the fidelity, the love,
which binds it lo your august person, to your lamuly 5 ab
lecl bu@ one wish as they had vut ung dui, , Urat assisting
wich all their steeug th and all their means, tue great designs
Wihica prudence Commands your Mayosty lo execute, toi
the glory and prosperity of the empice and of tie hing.

Copy ofa letter, prohibiung the sailing in future, of
ali homewardebound \ esselsy wilhout convoy.
Cressy, Carlisle. Buy, Burbudes, 30th April, 1813.
Sin,—d have the honour to acquaint your Eacell, UC),
fur the miormation of the Trade vi the Lvlowy under your
haculleucy’s Guverfiment, Chat ib Lemg tig amtention 01
the stignit dou. the Lords Compiutssioners of the Admiral.
(yy lure Re beller protwtion of the LPrade of do Nlajes-
ty's subjects, v sulter nu ship or vesser honiew ard-bound
jy stil bee athy port of place withuut Cusavoy 5 the
Luitships have cdieceted ie to HppPise lite WE CHALI LS, elild
wl stuas of rltips aud vessels Delunsiwe bu lis Majesty ’s
subgecesy Willian Che linats ol Hy staaon, that il auy sulp
vi Vessel, homeward. bouou, soft under any pielence
Whatever Felurt WathOLl Watdeg for the peuiccuon af.
turded ly the established Cully ys, thee Lordships will
ehlorce the pay iment vt the pebaiues Ulat Mea) Oe tacurred
by a breach of the Actof tie 45d Geo. Lid. Chap. 57,
‘cummouly called Che Convoy Act
1 have the honor to be, Sir. your Excellency’s most
obedient, humble: servant,
(Signed) Pras. Lavorry, ReareAdmiral.
fis Excellency Lieut. Gen. Sir Girone ss
Becawiru, ALB. Sc. Sc. Barbados.
- a
We have to lament the death of His Excellency Major
General Carmicnanr, Acting Gocernor of Domes “ry ;
He died on Tuesday the Vth ust.— dhe ceremony of t=
ferment was performed on the following, ot a manner
corresponding with his rank. Lhe Militia assembled in
Stubrock, at three in the aflernoon, and spn afler mar.
ched lo the Camp, and tovk possession of the allotted
ground, as did also the Troops in garrison. The Gar-
reson-Commandant being, of course, chief mourner on
the occaston, the command vf the whole devolved on Lt.
Col. Orre af the Militia, und Capts M’Canrruy of the
60th, and Capt Carr of the Militia, repeated the word
lo their respective battalions. The remains were d. posi.
fed in a vault at the Jovt of the ylag-slaf).
A Detachment of Light Dragoons,
Ritle Couwpany of the Deméerary Militia.
Assistant Quarter-and Barrack-Master.Gcueral,
Lieut. Colonel Orro, Commanding Demerary Militia,
A Body of Dragoons,
View original
View original Royal Artillery,
First Battalion Demerary Militia,
Second Battalion 60th Regiment,
Commanding Ojficer of the Brigade;
Major of Brigade and Aid-de-Camp,
A Detachinent of Grenadiers.
Drums and [ises,
. Civil Department,
Pall Bearers CORPS Pall Bearers,
Chief Mourner represented by Licut. Cul. Copp, Come
inanding the Troops,
Relatibns of the Deceased, ;
Suite, two and two,
After the funeral service, a salute of three rounds of nine
pieces of cannon.
In consequence of the decease of the Major-General,
the Hon. Members of the Court of Policy assembled, and
swore in, as Acting-Governor, Lieutenant Col. Conn,
t- ° . ’ pe
Since which, His Excellency has been diligently employ-
ed in taking over the government papers, and giving au-
dience to the public functionaries.
View original The homeward-bound fleet, late from this port, under
convoy of the Coquette, arrived at G:enada on the 23d
ultimo, and departed for St. Thomas on the 27th. On
her return, the Coquette, put into Barbados for repairs ;
but she is to resume her station here.
View original The tong pending cause respecting the Angell Estates,
at Stockwell, has lately been decided in the Court of Chan.
cery. By the decision, a female in the situation of cook
in the family ofa Mr. Cappe r, cuters into possessivou of a
fortune of three millions ster ‘ing, arising from the accumu.
lation of interest on the proceeds of property originally
valued at 500,000.
__-_o rrr lero SE Se
View original Linported in the Siuon Cock, jrom Loidon, and
for Sale by the Subscriber :
Beer, porter, & old Port wine,
Gentlemen’s silk, beaver, & leghorn hats,
Neero hats, jackets, & Dlaniets.
Osni thrug’s & checks.
Gentlemen's jackets, waistcoats, trowsers, pan.
taloons, coats, & coatecs.
Damask & diaper table cloths.
Cofton shirting.—and an assortment of jewel-
Isry of the latest: fashion. —The above arti-
cles will be sold cheap by the package.
May. Wa. CROFT.
View original — SE A SS — << <b
Subscription Rooms.
Under the Patronage of His Excellency Governor
Gor»on, and a number of Respectable In-
habitants of this Colony.
Will open the above on the 10th inst., at the house
lately occupied by J. B. Rute, Esq. and begs to
inform the Subscribers, that altho’ his Papers are not
vet arrived, he has been assisted by several kind of-
iers from many of his Subscribers, to supply him in
the mean time with Luropean Papers. ——— | May.
View original SALE sy EXECUTION.
Fourth Proclamation
WHEREAS [the undersigned, by authority ob-
fained from the Honorable Court of Civil Justice, of
this colony.
Granted upon a petition presented by W. Katz,
under date of 28th Au. 1812.—Versus, the Repre-
sentative or Representatives of the Cotton Plantation
Nige, situated on the Corentyn coast ; have caused
to be tken in Execution and Sequestration, the
abovenamed estate Nigg.
Be it therefore known, that I the undersigned in-
fend to Sell, after the expiration of one year and six
weeks, from the 1] Sept. 1812, the said Plantation
Nigg, with all ifs Cultivation, Slaves, Buildings,
and further Appurtenances thereto belonging, and
specified in the luventory laying at the Marshal’s
Oflice for the inspection of those whom it may con-
cern, in order to recover from the proceeds of said
sale such sum of money as wherefore the “state above
mentioned, has been taken in execution.
This 4th Proclamation published by beat of drum
as Customary. Berbice, 24 April, IS13.
RK. Francken, First Marshal.
View original NOTICE
AT the request of Joun Layririp, Esq. qq. Tus.
Bonpb, Notice is hereby given to all to whom it may
concern ; That the Estate Lancaster, cum annevis,
situate on the Corentyn coast of this colony, the pro-
perty of W. Honsos, Isq. is released from the pre-
sent Sequestration and Execution, in favor of afore.
sald ‘Ths. Bond, in consequence of the claim for
Which the said Fstate Lancaster was sequestrated,
having been satisfied to the satistaction of both par-
ties. ——Berbice, Sd Vay.
KO FRANCKEN, First Adurshal.
View original
View original Marshal's Office.
First: Proclamation.
BY authority obtained from the Tonorable Court
of Civil Justice ¢f this colony, granted upon a Peti-'
tion presented by K. Franexen, for Execution,
versus, J. ©. ScueoLLevancer, under date of 29th
April, I813.
I the undersigned, Marshal of both the Honorable
Courts of this Colony, shall expose and sell, at pu-
blic Execution sale, in presence of two Councellors
Commissaries and their Secretary, on Wednesday
‘the 16th June 1813, at the Court-house of this colo-
ny, at fl o'clock in the forenoon of that day :
The back part of Lot No.3, adjoining the back
dam, with all the buildings thereupon, say, a
Deoclling-house, Kitchen, Store, Llorse-stable,
Necessary, Wc.
The property of said J. C. Schollevanger.
Whoever should think to have any right, interest
or claim, on the abovenamed Land and Houses, and
Wishesto oppose the sale thereof, let such person ad-
dress himselfto me the Marshal, deelaring his reasoa
for such opposition, in due time and form, as | here-
by give notice, that | will receive opposition from
every one thereunto qualified, appoint them a day
to have his or her claim heard before the Court, and
(urther to proceed according to law in such case.
This First Prochunation made known to the public
by beat of dram, fron the Court House of this colony.
Berbice, 16 May, iSi2.
ALG. CALMER,. ATarshal.
Suinmons by dict,
Py virfne oF on I'xtract of the Miautes of the [Hon-
orebl: Court ot Civil Justice of this colony, dated 27
April. INES.
the cederstigned. Pirst Viarshal of both the Hon
Courts of tits colony. inthe name and behalf of W.
Lawsowvaund Wo hewnery, Curators to the Estate
of the tite Gawy sx fons, dec. do hereby for the se-
cond time, .
Summon hy Vict:
Alt known yt} torkersowe ‘reditors aerninst the Ks.
tates of Gryovn aed Aletta fomes, to Ippear before the
fon. Court of Civil Justies. at their sessions of the
ordinary Courter Roth, on the 2th inst., in order
to render their elatms ta dae fonu.
Whereas alfer the expicvtion ofthe fourth summon
by edict, will be preceeded against the voy appear-
ers. according to Law.
Berbice, Zist May, IS8i3.
R. ERANCKEN, First Marshal
Siawnons by Wdict.
BY virtue of an Extract of the Minutes of the
Court of Civil dusiice, of this colony, dated 27th
April, ISIS.
L the wendersigued fist Marshal of both the Tlone-
rable Courts of this colony, ta the name and behalt
of RIC. owsen, for seliand J. W.evervever
Curatorsto the tisinte of the Widow ELA. BAKKER,
do hereby, toe Wie second tine,
Nvmmon Ly kedécl
AV known and unknown creditors of the Estate of
g. 6," Bro: nw. Widow HH. A. Bakker, to ap-
pear beloge the fion, Court of Justice, at their ses-
sions of the ordinary Court of Rolls, en the 24th in-
stant, in orc rfloren Loy an tr clainbs in due form.
Whereas aiter the expliation of the fourth sum-
mons by edict. will be proceed against the non ap-
warers, according to Law. -
Berbice, 2ist May. ISt5.
K. PRANCKEN, Ist Dicpl.
~~ -—— ———_— ——-_ a = epi
Summons. by Kdict.
BY virtue of an Extinct of the Minutes of the
Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, dated 27th
April, IS13. 7
l the undersigned, Pirst Marshal of the Courts of
this colony, inthe name and behalf of Pr. Fair-
BATRN, literim Scquestrator tothe Estate of Jawes
Frasen, tor himselfin that quality and for all other
Representatives of that Estate, do hereby, for the
second time,
Summon by Fdict :
All persons having Demands against the Estate of the
deceased Janes braser, to appear before the ffonor-
able Court of Justice, at the session of the ordinary
Court of Rolls, on the 24th inst., in order to render
their claims in due form.
Whierers after the expiration of the fourth sum-
mons by edict, will be proceeded against the non-ap
pearers, according to Law.
Beibice, 2ist May, ISIS.
K.. Francken, First Marshal.
View original Summons bi Edict.
BY virtue ofan Extract of the Minutes of the
Court of Justice, of this colony, dated 27th April,
I the undersigned First Marshal of the Honorable
Courts of this colony, in the name and behalf of R.
C. Dowxernand W Lure, in quality as Curators
to the Estate of A. M. van pe Lannr, dee., do
hereby, for the secoml time,
Summon by edict:
All known and unknown creditors against the Estate
of said A. M. van de Lande, to appear before the
Hon. Court of Justice, at the Sessions of the ordina-
ry Court of Rolls, on the 24th inst., in order to ren-
der th oir claims in due form.
Whereas after the expiration of the fourth sum-
mons by Edict, will be proceeded against the non-
appearers, according to Law.
Berbice, 2lst May, ISI3.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original Summons by Edict.
BY authority obtained from the Honorable Court
of Civil Justice of this colony, under date of 23d
April, ISIS, upon a petition of P. Fairuarrn,
Who was appointed together with [. Austin, Se.
questers of Plantation Tenipe & Nursery, situate in
this colony, (at present the only Sequestrator resid-
tng here.
I the undersigned First’ Marshal of the Courts of
this colony, and at the request oF beforenamed Pe-
Summon by Edict:
All known and unknown creditors and claimants an
the nett proceeds of plantation ‘Tempe & Nursery,
and all creditors and claimants on the Estate of At-
FRED Bartrun, dee.
To appear before the Court of Civil Justice of this
colony, at their Session to be held in the inouth of
April, ISl4 next ensuing, there to render in th tr
claims, hear the same debated, and objeeted i necd
be, as welbas to witness the Coutts decision as ta
the jus pre et concurrentia of the clainiaiuts, auc
further to proceed, according to Law.
This Suaimou by Edict made known tothe public
by beat of drum trom the court botse of this colomy,
and further dealt with according to stile aia custo,
in such cases.
Berdice, 2Ist May, I813.
Ke. rRANCKEN, First Marshal.
Fourth Proclamation.
BY virtue of authority granted by the Honorable
Court of Civil Fustice, of this colony, dated 0 Siarel
ISIS. on the petition of John Layfield, in behati of
Vhomas Gudgeou, John Dodson, and Joshua tind»:
and of Wain. Kewley and Robt. Paitt, as appotted
Curators tothe Lstate and Etivets of Richard Barry,
Notice is hereby given, that T the undersigned,
Pirst Marshal ot tie Courts of this colony, will sell
in presence of two Counectogs Comniuissaries, and
their Secretary, by publie Lxecunon Sale, on ‘bues-
day the Ist ol June, ISIS.
The Cotton Plantation ITOGSTYVE.
situate on the Corr. coast of this colony, with all the
Cultivation, Buiklings, Slaves, and further Appurt-
cnances and Dependencies Uhereto belonging, agree-
able to Inventory tormed Chereoi, and which Tay» at
the Marshal's office tuc the tispection of those whom
Imay Concern.
Whoever shoucd think to have any right, action,
or intereston the abovementioned plantation //og-
sty, and its dependencies, and wishes to oppose
this sale by execution, let dius or Chem address Ghem-
selves tome the undersigned, declanmeg their reason
for so doing, tna legal manncr in writing, as | here-
by give notice that L will teceive opposition trom all
intermediate person or persons, appoint them a day
to have their clauns heard before the Court, and tur-
ther act thereon according to law.
All persons being invited to attend at the day of
Sale on plantation Hogsty, and make their prolil of
the same.
This 4th proclamation published by beat of drum
as Cusloumry. Berbice, 2d May, ISIS.
I. Francwen, First Marshal
~~ —
View original ‘Summons by Edict.
BY virtue of an extract from the minutes of the
proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice of this co-
lony, under date 2d March, 1813, given in the cause
of Joserpu Hatntand A. Krieger, as Exccutors to
the Estate of Joun Sawyer, dec., versus, all known
and unknown Creditors against the said estate.
L the undersigned, First Marshal of both the Ho-
norable Courts of this colony, and at the request of
aforesaid Jus. Mall and A. Krieger,in their said ca-
~_ - —_——
View original Ne
Summon by Edict for the Second Time :
All known and unknown creditors of the estate of
John Sawyer, dec., appear belore the Court of Civil
Justice of this colony, at their session, to be held in
the month of July, 1813, and follow-jng days, for
the purpose of there exhibiting their claims, to ve.
rly the sume, and if necessary to hear the objections
made thereon, as well to witness the Court’s deter-
mination as tothe Preferent and Concurrent right of
claimants against the said estate, and further to pro-
ceed according to Law.
This second summons by edict being made known
tothe public, by beat of drum, from the Courthouse
of this colony, and further dealt with according (o
Custom, Berbice. 7th May.
K. FRANCKEN, Ist Marshal.
sais —_———— = nee
~ Summons by Edict:
BY virtue of an Appointment, given by the Court
Civil Justice, under date of 26th Oct. 1812, eranted
upon a petition presented by B. J. Schzwiers and 4.
Thornborrow, in their capacity as the two eldest Or-
phan Masters, (Weesmeesteren), and in that eaps-
cily Executors appointed by the Last Will of //..17
I the undersigned, First Marshal of both Courts
of this colony, and at the request of aforesaid B. J.
Schwiers and A. ‘Thornborrow, in said capacity.
Summon by Edict :
All kKnown-and unknown creditors against the es-
fate Of HT. M. Grau, dec. to appear in person or py
Representatives berore the Court ot Ciyil Justice,
at their Session whieh willbe held inthe month Qe-
tober, ISIS, there to give in their claims against said
estate, to very the sane, aul further to proceed
according ty liw, on patn to ali those who reinain in
default, of being Ke ever debareed their right of
clatm. .
This summon by edict made known to the Public
by beat of druia trom the Court House. (ly. cots
Beroice, Sih keb. IST.
IK. FRANCKEN. Virst Marshal.

— es — a — a -
NUuusnions by het:
BY virtue of an appointment granted by the Mon-
orable Court of Cival Justice, of this colony, onder
(ite of Gch Sareh Issey upona petition pres onted
by Hi. Vheobald, appointod Curator to the dstate and
a tloets of Henry Crott, dee.
fthe uncersened Pirst Marshal of the Corts of
tis colony, aad at the request of said LE. The. Dald,
In Wis Capaciiy abovementioned,
Summon ry kidict:
All Lnown and daanown creditors against t'o es.
fate of Henry Croft, deceased, to yppear inp rson,
or by power Ob attorney > belore the bar of the <‘ourt
A Caval Justice of thiscuolony, at bar seston to be
held in the mouth of Januwey, Uae vear ane ti
i. tripe
samdeieht hundred anc lourteen, (.. Iso ty. ther:
forender their Clans agaitist said estaie, to ver. \
the same , and agier proceeding according tolaw, 5
Wittiess the Courts dcoetsion on the pielerent and con.
current rich ot claunants, on pain to all those who
renanin deiauitot being tor ever debareed their
nieht oi clan.
This summons by edict is published by beat of
druin, as Cus.omary. Berbice, loth April, ISIS,
K.-FRANCKEN.S lirst Macshal,
—— ee
Fourth) Proclumation
WHIEREAS FT the undersigned, by authority ob.
tained trom Elis Excellency J. Murra Y, Brigadier
General, and Acting Governor of the colony Ber-
bice and its Dependencies, &e. Ke. &ec.
Crranted upon a petition of W. Karz, ia quality
as Attorney of Samuel aud Llisaheth flmes, of Bar-
bados, have caused to be taken in Execution and
Sequestration, the Western Two Thiids of Lot No.
1} Corentyn coast of this cotony, the property of R.
Hanais, the person agaist whom abovenamed writ
of bexecution is granted, under date of 26 November
Be it therefore known, that 1 the undersigned in-
tend to Sell, aftur the expiration of one year and six
weeks, from the 22d of Feb. ISIS, the abovemen-
tioned two western thirds of Lot No. 1] Corentyn,
with all its Cultivation (being Cotton), Buildings,
Slaves, and further appurtenances and dependencies
thereto belonging, and specified in the Inventor
laying at the Marshal’s Otlice for the inspection of
those whom it may concern, in order to recover from
the proceeds of said Sale such sum of noney as
wherefore the Estate abovementioned, has been ta.
ken in Execution.
This 4th Proclamation made known to the public
as customary. Berbice, 21 March IS}3.
K. FRANCKEN » birst Marshal.
Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock, pv. a.
By W. SCHULZ & Go.

22 May 1813