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The Berbice Gazette

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Payable in advance.
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View original ane = .©*
Notice to Deh/ors end Crecitors of the late
Fis ot teen ver and Scblichoist.
YEE eS by a contract hearin date the 16th
‘V of the peace if veur, fhe whole of the outstande
eoomeemms ofthe doe Bieprol KRrieeer aad Scltape
hoist were trerserred to N. Weriger, who by the
Pe ocomne the sete proprietor of the book debts,
“HOTS, y “I () her ‘| cioliics ot thyost Concern.
rl owherees Che sed Wo. Nriger bas lett speciafand
ret Mors yet oun lersiened as lis Ate
Ornb wx to ol) Marea recOvery of (lie bevyyae austen ine

(ls “ e* 4
meets eh tpomsy cue the tate Piem of ries.
ero Pech lrorsteeNoticee thereaf is hereby
Vou Twat ay compbitin a’ @oererve mersnres
Paeerast boomy and: te undersigned willl
boy oe now) Toe the attention of those who
Avower oreeouuts tr! seve (len the murlilicae
‘ ri) ’ | ‘ | (1 { ' bry pro: ‘eqdin rs.
Nev cbillol. DETIICC, [Sth Awaust, IS]4.
CC. Pb lbs oan. for self,
aid id. van pen BROT.
‘Notice to ( sCOALOO.S d G Le! (Q.. ct tie l.te
bis of J.
- . { : “.
ATT pe cco avi oie Sosa es atnst the Tete
fis ! J. wf ay plas. 1 ' if se] ° ‘ ie | Cease dl
syond oy the sae oor payer toe. e€, SW ty
lsd. daly Cocist taste ad oN sil ip, qvye luo tlhe J -
’ sero te @
torsof the bite scrvivit print J An ol those wlio
Vcaundebled to the borin ob he Ae be Sop rlasy are
parhedlaily entreated toseddhs th ir secounts wile
oaliurther delay. New Nnest. P7it Ne.
aS See Oo
R. C. bao Walt, SOY
s Nn .
TSO hove whoa have ony demands geainst Phintis
. ae oe ; . oe
bors bol vtele | 5 No. vids or west bal o{ Ni - Oy
. ; . . ’
()| f pres . Shee The sure beeps, (* ly i ough hi i (Ce
Coos ballon or ibitsts or arutst Phostattogs 01.)
rN . ‘
emt Noval tron bet tc tub or hist, aie desired
@ocallou the subscriber Lor iamec: t peymen’.
on Bie OLB INE
yy Sue, Plas bicveastanoe,

View original a ee
Ann those who have any demands, or aie i uehte
eldeihe bie Dre Coe. van Pog. Gece, are ree
PUES doo render Cheiraccounts for povment fo (fie
Wauersbened, and those imdcbial to pay tod. C.
Sy nee abe te, sq. or to
£0) Vue. Pl. STAVATL, xeonte a
View original bodies Pan oof J. be Rae Ss Con boing cise dyed
om (he Fstot this mouths Cho oe indebte (to that enn.
eer, ttre recucsted (oO take mrvywecnt fy other of ihe
und rsigneds HW. SLkIA,
VO UE, Jo bo Wa P.
eee — ——
View original P| 7 1) Wy) {Tt x , Oo, west COW, Nyy: thy runt
people, a sialbboutwith a red moulding
> Whocver
Can | : ve | ray) ily, it) ' Wen hy paying for (his
) 4, . T 7) vy
~() pe’. }?. all IN.
eee ea ee ee ee
rep , yas . ,
LHe. ( cr Of, pO) Sale on low Cerwis, die
folowing articles, tie:
Tirrsai tinen and sheeting, French and cotton came
Drees. site) ypores, cheeks, erticoess real tod a dil Is.
ery sheeting, brown pletillas, a comolete os: ort
nentof statoncry, a quintity of threads aad ti pes
revpeurmvis, cormais amb becds. porlamerys co sie
Ine oth double distil d lavender and ros. woferin
ar) | ] é . fy
’ ry POO TE, 9 Iya ‘y cs MCCS, Nyy i Ce “}*s foot) jus -
lors ronees also a vu‘ y of cutter Vy con isting of
, ray) ro: 1, teas
vry fhe and snudb bax Naive ypackcl haives
Paostrnnenéss reozorsy red Alayvroco shaving cases
; : ' ‘ on f J . 44" .) oS ’ > } . {
it | iS l ¢ oe Vcd i) C * oCias X hee , ‘9 TRC ibe
ce wile s cal . to 1! . o nt ;
9 ive) } ned ( 5 ‘ ple Wy | if COlNKe
SCTOCVS : \ rs ( 5 . ! lh. yee. Kiaces, CaVeililyvs, CaATe
; : ! : ‘ ; . - €
rors. CU jinbtes. Shige bot des, scissars, red and
bP) bide X Poche! l as () sl 17 5» te read Cals Sy plated
’ . | y . .
comets + scorn tibos, Wea how ready
! . fy, . = . °
Dicdader « , pant ony waisteoats men’s sith hats,
a ' . ! —_ Am
tfew siddles and brates, a pipe Madeira wine, a
entity oo bun by the puncheon, atew [00 cotles
many WC.
20 Aug. At the house of J. B. lule, Leg.
View original
View original BY the FTonorable Conrt of Policy and Criminal
J slice of Lh CC lony Berbice.
Notice is hereby given unto all those whom it
doth or may concer.
THAT whereas by the said Ton. Court’s procla-
motion of the Ofh ot July PStoy it was ordered, that
the Assessment on Lots, or purtsof Tots. tn the town
of New Amsterdam, shoald be patch previous to th
Jailer ond of Che monthof November then followtne,
Info the hinds of two of the members of the ‘Pown
Connnittee.— And whereas the said) Eon. Court, by
‘ ]
a itesoive under dite of Qtth dan last, has thou oh
proper fo order ant direet, Chat tromand after that
Gate, the Reeewer General of the colony shall be the
person to collect the Assessmeat, already fixed or tn
fiture to be made, en Lots within the Lown of New
Ainsterdain: and tit the Court has granted to the
said Reeciver Gener U}, (he sine Cominission for re-
ceiving and) paying, cts is now erinfed and allowed
him for all other public monies, of whieh public tn
formation is given, Chat mone may plead ignorance
Court Tlouse, New Amsterdam, Perbice, August
Sih Isl4.
By (5 1)? lof the Courl.
tc GON EAE. Nec
cow £ Sh - 6S Ss op Teo =a ~~ @&. Se °c o> oD
bo bie, 20:h' Aug. Isl
CASTT wanted for the following bills, drawn by
the Coimnussary General, on the Treasurer, at 0
No. 9775 £ 2N0,
eae —— ‘i )().
2 ¢ fi —— | bal,
— &- . 000 Sterling.
Por which Tenders ti triplicate, willbe received at
this Olee, until Phorsday neat the 25th Instant, at
LOU oO cloch i the mors v,
H.GPeNDY, Dep. Act. Com. Gen
Seo Wwe Tw —_ vs , v a 2" - = S.. 8 wee ‘eam
View original eee er eae =~ edi
On Thursdes the 25 Ttast. will be soll at the Ven-
due Outice, by on ero! Ht, Staal, fesq., a Commission,
London brown stoutin bhds. aad biurrels, ladies and
gentle men soos, tudtes Crosses, eeutlemen coats and
WatslCow or b ass ca dlestichs, sHallers and (rays,
curry Combs and brushes, locks a sorted, boot picns
with guards, leather caps, taper, baneiny and bor-
dors, Madeira wine in boties, a few pieces green
baize,a cupetard oil Cloth,
Also on the same day au assoitinent of nails, from
Ady. a 40]y., stroes and boots, cotton and coflee
bossins, sorp and candles wi siall boxes, Trish linen,
Chocks aud dowlas,
D.C. CNX ENRON, Dep. Vendue Master.
—_— a =
View original On Phuisda he ister Peptember neat, with be
soldioy ord roles. avs cd—tiist bea and she eae,
Colton and french crabis iy suber par ty chi Cas,
Cilicoes, Lideas ca bits, Luss sheotine, platiltas,
- o? ¢ ’ ) ° .
Stuf eb Py al Hits, fitpess beeds, permmery, Cullens,
Jali sn cuttcesy, Cai rings ahd ear dieps, an asont-
Ment ool scm hase clothdaa y a@ pipe excedl at Ma-
deca wies, veh a Cuacdity ef ola rum, eitier by
the pun ceo. OF im Glades, Wot tesss ha 2 gale
duns, XC.
DC. CANS PRON Dep. Veudue Master.
=o 2X = Oo —@|].°* — aw 2 espe _— «2 ome = Oe Oe i ed
View original — ee eee ne ee ee
o_o Ce
_- -_ oo — = © oa - 2s. Ew
a U'l La hue
THOS rontlemen in’ Berbiee who are still in-
debted to th: ho pal Gazelle ( Ince, 1 MCLAEN, ae
requested co radee payment at (he Printing Oulice,
Loibice, io Mi. We. Schulz, who is duly authorized
20 Aug. I. TE NERY.
OE MAND zich goncgen bevinde ale, , om vals ‘Ture
bias zich geplaats te zicnop eene aanzicnty he holly
plantave ia deze rivier, eelioven hem te adresseccn
ten liuize Vau den ficer J. G.I. Scilty aan de stad
NN. Amst. 20 Aug.
View original FOR SALE
Tre Soathern quarter o. Lot No. S6, New Aimst.,
with a Lovie 100 teet lone by 26 tect wide, a storie
and hah tighy, bardwoou tame, covercd with watla-
ba stangles, and a kitchen adjouing.
Alsoa well Winsted House brame, 6 feet by 22.
Terms will be made easy to an appioved purchaser ;
For turther information apply tu
Auy. 20 Low. THEOBALD.
View original ' » +
43 ( ti)
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4 ( Las 9A. BSBALU De " | > i
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© @liiscd Ja nlians
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View original in ae
View original a
A wretleor free coloured SCMYPSErCSs, well ecoleu-
Inted to saperintend a Seyi: School, and being wbte
fo procire an uw I" stionable eharvecer, may appl
for farther pardeuktrs Concerning a situation,
lo Aug DALAL pe na COURTS.
a — a =
View original _——_—
PioNiedor zy gewaarchonw, om voortaiun op
het bet Now 9, ween Vee, hboevenoomad,. meerte later
loopen. zulien ce ondeisy volleas "s Hlows Publikatic,
worelen Ctr G act rf,

ede vordt eur venroeral, aan een goede hetaal-
der, voor Oianindon, GOO bossen @ocde Ibanannen
por week, vaa de plant va co ToTe.
b Aus. Wb OuS EN voor zich
! ‘ \
en J. A.C. R Int SS,
View original TO © \ Dr: mS
A Peoclansniion of t! Un vercor aad Court of Po-
lev of this colony, Aate 1: ob June, havine been
published the fib ot duly last, reevul Mine the mum.
bor of whites rn be hepton every plant ition within
he qursietionof tie same s This is to iaorm such
vote nen as are able to procure a wood character,
(hut there are several openings upon Elis VMayesty’s
Mstates, and Chat fit subjects will be Liberally deit
O Aug. A. A. pe LA COURT.
View original eee
THE Domicilinm Citandt et £ xecutandi, of the
Subscriber, tn pitve and in quality as qq. John Ruo-
Dbinson, and the undivided batt of ,p dantation Chester
Westcoast, is at the house of D.C. Cameron, lesq.
View original TAN NOTICE,
Suck persons as are still indebted to the Estate of
D. van der Horst, whoin his tile time was heener of
(he Berbice Perry, and such tor their respective fer-
ry accounts, are once more requested to make pay-
ment thercor as soon as possible, as in case of default
they will be possidively sued for before the ensuing
Courts of Justice,
Applicaton to the same effect is made to such per-
son, ho stand indebted to Pe and W. Jeflery, or
I Jeffery, dre,
Y slug. A.G. CALMILR, qq.
View original , ° ‘ . - . 4 nr ’
ny virfue oO! Lt) ¢ bhatcl a3 11) (| , 1 res oO ine
) , | >,
| ( NO the \ Olirl 0) ()| ( (cl rune
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4 5! | \ i] | Neer l I MWolidl Fle ‘ 9 ( I-
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) > v.21 { ‘oor diehiy & bo (, dec. olay {afi ,—
} ’ ; .
versus, del Knows vn dT unanospna Credicors taainst the
Pitye uatersizned, Porst ™firshal of the Coutrég
rabid this e tony, hl ab Che reewuest Oo: afuresatd
Soap yp) md, f )) y} Cc yp} ‘J mr. ] / Ie , / =
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A .° Pit 959494) eniat Ty y
BY virfue of on Pott LGU | bouidlt: LOnOr 2
‘ { ' : . ’
Comstot Cry cCeoof lis cet THANLC(
: ’ ' ' !
Polilion prosecuted Dy de Ga. Gl. de wtinyey » %
? 4 ] ‘
(ie 4 lie Oi tic | , oe’. \ ! (> \ | -
ha lisa eeu, 1 \ | { . ot
\ 9 CC = ; . a 4 lil . ‘ a Me,e LwS
bOI aay oO .
. a? ’ ’
L the ound is , rt Siarstial of the Conrtg
' J ‘
v1 ist C1) 4 if r La ! | ic) fu sl OL a JiUsarla J.
‘ ) . ’
Che ee CIC LV lots Cy (]
Sumnucw ly Buavcts
Al known and unanown creditors er clifyante or
(he bistate ot Ad. van Tebyze van Batenbe ww, to
\iobu their clotms belere the tion. Court at Cov ii
Pirstiee ol thi COLOMY, cul Ute roses ”) y
Of sfauuary, ISTO, to verity the sas i’, Wiiresss of}
feelions therennutoy dneed, ane turthor to procied
recordin (Q on > O11 ps ilk OL boy lor CVer au Diil©
rec them rightot chiim.
This Suiui.caby bdict, made Enown to the put le
by beat of drum trom the Court House of this ¢ fe
send to flolland and bogland, and turther dealt ich
according lo custo.
beibic ,the LOih June, IST.
Rh. PRANCARN, First Marshal,
View original ene ee ee 8
THE subsertbers requests all those having demands
acainst plintitioa Ad/lcare, since the (7th Pebrua y
ISTO, tor stpplies, to date, to render the same withia
lonrtecn dass, when the accounts will be made Uj),
and no further Claim admitted.
wV July. }). (>. CAVETON, for self,
JOTIN ROSS, Sequestrators.
View original NOTICE
[IS hereby eiven, that the Firm of Breyaawiy
Jackson & Co. is thisd. iv desolyved by mutual cone
sent; all persons indebted to the suid ff iti, are ~ =
quested to make payment to the ficst ance rsicnedy
and those who have any demands, to render thei toe
examination and payment.
View original
View original WEFKLY ALMANACK.
OV No irst Quarles 2h. ud Mt Moriing —aAN C2 Lidds
View original 6 SS at
tO (8 Oe
Barervay, Avcusr 20, 1814.
Several Enoli h Gentlemen having erpressed adc-
sive, that the Noi Dutch CONSTITOTLO NV onray
be printed in the Luetish Languace This is do ti
foro, thatthe sanie will be readi'y ‘compli di ili,
provided, a si ent nuniter of Subscribers can be
procm cd, fo male cood the etpences of Translation.
—Ceatloaven wish fulef becoming Suh ceribers, will
ploace send in thetr vanes to this O ffice.—
View original Tn consequence of the indisposition of the Rev.
Ate. Whitth dt, Divine Service will not be perform.
ed atthe Valbhsl Church to-morrow.
——ss -. | Leese
View original ——s -. 9 eee
By the arrival of our Mail-Qoat, this week, we lay
before our Readers a few extracts from berbados pa-
pers s
Amorican intellizence to the 18th June have been re-
cciveds taco fereish information of the procecdinags ol
the Biitish meo of war thet ave employed in the Chesa-
perke, aid acqeaintos, that im there progi os tp that re
Wers tues bh wooly dsteoyed some villacos aid public
Provcriy sa douiad caus do the etty of Washinaton (te
which they hadapproachod within avout thirty mites),
amd towns in Cast ner rboueioud, to be constantly ina
siate ovalarme. Ata hace, too; eall-d Seittate, the bar.
&' fscme of the blast Liiva s mys ta fentored that har.
b ry Wo nee tl ) ent out t'yo sch MT , al cf Poy }
the romvind rol (lis vesscls (sven in omer) that woe
lyivpua yor tty thou. the seat of Govermmcat, anv
Oloor towns ea Cott eotet au ub ifs rivers beso easy of
@coess Wild there cas Gat had alyvady been appoirca f oy
' '
th ff, ur) ose, Vab rey We Cabeusate Wo OMN hom the ene.
ni) shail be asa led Ly ueimbors of orp Croops taat tity,
boo log Ach stom OG row ip FO OV CIE mew OP, Pascua b
arink Sw lial. (bbl tov bt’ ; \ \ tl vd, I, J yctoal d. re wldate
ed Schaviccitez? ‘Puat Ateerica wil have (o contend
With (hose very (roa cs, wider facae we baive just record.
ec, and that, tuo, in the re gobourhood of bee Govera.
mint. there eda be bul tittle doubt; ‘efor it is uedere
Blood,” says a London bLauicor, “thatthe grand exp odin
Ol })¢ Vi. Af mathadeauix for A VoREC A. OLIACT the hl alall
Lud Hill, us Geo trad tor the Chesapeake diicet. Ou
Invincible ttle vey tu Canada wiebatthe same distant b.
directed to wiakbke a teovement an the Girection of the
& squelannad, avd both eruucs wall therefore, a a!l pro.
balihty, mectat Wwashiigtoa, Paiadely hia, or babamare,
The sect of the Aimcoricau Govern, botinore particu.
Jariy Baltimisie, i to be Cie bacdaate obyect of attack,
Inthe dintginate circles, Htsalso centonred that one Nae
Val aud Misery Commands oa the ANiserican Staion
haveno roses ta concude any Arhdstice of Sas)custou
OF Nr hey corey wath cic orf Gorms wach wall
be otiercd to the Nevcriccn Geaoverniaent at the ib orth
bayonet: “Phe termsyef Course, are aot nade pul le, bust
Wwe Liveevery ceased €> Deneve that Aierica will bo let
ine noel wore situation, as a Naval and Con mercial
Power, Ul SD sdiec Was al Fil COM ChHCeheh of (dlc Wul.”?
Tondon neu soarers to (e229 June reached us yesterday
altermoon, by the Wan ser Cale Pokoty thirty days
fr mm) bea Whicdlleale 1! “ed, lias ; break ( | P A€Ce Delwest
Great Bibati and buince bas thos bomrecaved, and, a
it is a doctument that or Zi fo bet | GIy FG cord, a! (l fo,
Which considerable anxiety bas boem expressed, wo Ihave
Bosected it et lousths with (he ewes thom of tire ad ional
Articles, one of winea relates to the African Slave Prade.
the abolition of wlich Groat Biltain hod beer desirous thad
Bieance should a-ree to, and bas so car steeced das) that
At shall cease on the par€of chit country within the period
of five ycdts from the date of (las Preary : and chad, i che
mean Cine, this trate sucal be comthucd to the Co outs of
the Stateto which the Gader way belong. Phe remaining
four Articles merely refer to arraneciients for the liquida.
tion of debts that may be dus on citer side for tie sup.
port of their respective prisoners of war, &e. &e. by the
terms of the Treaty, the late Cotontes of france in these
Seas, except theo (siands of Vobsso aod St. Lucia, are bo
be restored tothat Soverciguty, Sweden baying relingnish.
ed her claiius upon Guadclou;e, and tasy are to be given
up in three months from the signing of the above Stipulas
tions—Indeed, according to accounts that had reached
higlaud, preparaions bad comueused iu the posts of
View original
View original France, for furnishing the proper Authorities and a suit.
abic military borce lO lame |{ posession ol daciec Veest Ludia
’ / . ’ ’ ’ . ’ a 1. . . ‘ a a
Phe bl altrgian Packet, with Mails from Surinam, &c.
arcs (| if i 4 ‘ia ; I Oli the 1S i) Wit. 3 ‘ \ i] ii F Uy lout
(1) it ‘ nad { he O ai [ VU rucri Co) td yy ‘ | | ne | days
previodsly tu that ou which the bhéadsor Gdodee book ler
June 21.—A very interesting discussion took place last
nicht an the Pbouse of Commons, relative to the Pisoeess
Charlotte of Wales. Sir Me. Wa. dt.dley asked waetscs
bivy Speed) COME Wbicatlon Was expected lo ve made
yy tie SUDJCC! oO) the uiatbiase of thie | MiNnCess LuathPlotl
of Wales to the tierce, ditary Prince of Oranece ? bhove
ply Was, (hat Mauisters bad recuved no authority to make
My Communicalion to Varhament. Tere, westould have
Upposed, the matter wou d lave rested. but to our great
Surprise, Mr. Watcha eur bled, tual ti Mtou en dbecn
Cieat d p ‘at distes cols aad, uo Abe. Bachorse
speaking to o.dery Home sdtely tiade amctiun foran Ad.
lross fo the Prince ategenty to uc plait tthe fuuse whee
Lace any treaty of tac. Ion lool between the two
tllustrigus Persorazes 2 dhe yp refaced thatmotion with ale
hudany Cod Caingude tavlt toso Cutiotte bad decline
ed the tiga bige OW acco bel Of Lao situatiol of her dtoya! We tatok we may take uy ou onrselves to cose
Sort, thie this ragiour can be ts Por um What a sige
) ial re) PCs it th > \ byer Lie Otais
Of Judes belwoem ber bathe id oN Py ds Ceclsarigg
(lier ¢ buctot ce deatacer aod aor Soverszu. add dltem ote
WE tO Como Hib tao fer, -— Nowiny thorehores we say.
Uiial ot Wile dA {oi lic yo 1, Petacess a, .
) Ly lhe yy Ot V4 biol be tet 7
‘ : bon clear. ¢ [ \ SMO as Ost based {
lyheales aud nmioot ted me WU oow this be,
\ I C(O Od bese 4 (vO ) \ t 4
reba f | 1 Das lod bhi lt ee Litkly OM
sO} , bu roctod am rely dgcdast Cho ino dow —
Ol course Us temaih Cannot by duy possmoiily bo tact
(O apyly fo Air. W oaitoread, iY CVE OM Saw yo tOR dT)
that hic wads tol i the I ist wuit—n ‘5 his Ve ) Wot
proved he was not. Stabe would abstan brow othe.
' 7 oo
tuid ol what nad lallen frau Cae thou. aod dy-arned Gene
\ } { ;
(hemi ( IT. Ste elh)——tl Wisved to forsct L'— vul hy
rtd assare bre Chatibe ard sol care oa baw WOO It.
\ '
~VUy Cerlaibsy Vol. wil. sedecdd WalhulbeoWw Dls Qiotianu,
° . , , y ’
Lest evening patin here, bound to the [isannahy th
WM. Aral riwowor Cire yeoaddsidos che J cesteuck I,
ve undorstand is C ohn
’ cc 1 . . , e ‘
Phe first Ieeut. of the foseexr, who tis stalid to be
Scotchnein, pusaped ove:eoard whew she str
very fortunately rescacd tiom drowuing to mecel
’ ) :
J ‘ ~ \ of hhboury
abled death by (he seatence of his country,
The trial of Lord Cochrane and others for the frauc
that was dougminated a lov upon tac Stuck Exchan,
to tomdony occupied the Covrtof Wing's: Bouch) severs
days. owing to (he nun ~cft witnesses. After a full ioe.
tesugaton, ail those Giat aed becn implicated, were foun
' yy wcd on { elst uit. the follow ine scutences wer
ASS (| mpon th ' of the dehinguent hatbwereat the gar:
—" phat you Sir Phomas Cochrane, commonly cal
Lord Cochrane. a d you Richard Gathome butt, do
tothe King a dine of LLOOO each; and theat®you Jol;
Poe ‘Ty Ilo! OW do pay to the King a Ih. of , ‘5 O00—'
you Sir Phomas Cochrane, and R.G. Butt, J. Pd
loway. R Iph Sardom,
Ihenry Lignt, and C. it. De $3
rouger,. be sey rally Wd |yV oned 12 Calendar mone!
the custody of the Marshal of the Marshalsea s——and t
you Sir LP. Cochrane, R. G. Butt, and J. PL bMalloway
be dnprisoned til! your respective fines be paid.—And.
lurther, that during the period of imprisonment mention.
cd, that you Sir TP. Cochrane, you R. G. Bult, and you
C.R. De Berenger, do stand one hour wm aud Upon (
pillury before the Royal xchange.”
Lient.-<Gen. Lord Hill is Conmander in Chief of the
AN ry Sent oo if to Ann ric »
MajoreGeoerals Sir H. Clinton and Kemp to have di-
Ross, Robinson, Bradford, Power, and Bing, brigades.
dake lulluwing are the esigeuts —
View original
View original 14th Licht Dragoons.
Sul, 4th, 5ts, Gea, Oth, 27th, 28th, 27(h, Sh, 49th,
phih, 57th, 5xth, 6Uih, 7) uy Blot, th BI.i1, aud Joh
[icsimenis. of four.
Six Companies of Artillery.
Th © Roel het Brizads, tod a resyvectable Comimissarint.
‘] h ‘following Stan meatfached 'o th: ba pcd.t o1---De.
puffy Adjuat.eGen. L.-Co Brows
Deouty Quarter Master-Ge aecut.eCol. Abercrum.
by, 2dth,

Froma Loudlon Pa er.
Alm ralye™. ice. May 10.
His Royal TH sliress the Virice olen has been pleased
to appoint, inthe name and onthe behilfol Has Majo,
the i yal lluon. Joun Karl of ose. Viacent, INwid NG weal
Of the ted, tu be General of this Majesty "5 lio) al Moar.iue
— a
Notwithstanding the rigorous blockade with which the
Ports of Ainerica have red rel beon the atened, . y the
Proclamation of Adamial Cochrane, oar Naval Comiiane
der in’ Chief ov that Suvi, the coony are fort ste
cnouch to eludes ours ] ludrous tas loved, aod wove
Crrcied into dil rout harbours sovocialos. oe British
prizes, amongst which is tug armed tole A etus Vorne
ball, a~vial (el, af (11.8 Port. [i tn le On bAGCy Dd Pa LO {2
Verpool, woti a Cargo of Code and coro ty Wancle ds esti.
Indted by tae Aiaoricags to 3%? 00) dollars Pots hy, r
was captived of the Western bo aa, Dy tle ou rss .
Valesrs Delonge bo poaltanoees gat, ds doy eae ered by
(hie follos ae at (ie roots (! yi ade WN borage ?
pers) tac Woesof Was Wot civen up oun ib a furtacer
Stes tC Wold ave Goot Uibavtels fy forys—ettor the mos es
bie she owas diseoveral shout tere beagires det uwce: vit
Veligafast saver, the Sop fed dot ecoaws wed rovch
eter wins arvtnd bate, astawelve at noo, al wiicl caine
ye Nldes ay COs cieod a! ko fers on tacys (ries. witle
hep slown Ciuascets. whiend the
; Su press Wb eot retain tee
fear of deadeuiag her wav. ba adout tuicty miouts the
Surprise Cae up so as to ensorze with broadsides, deter.
mini to board, suvpessiug her to be aman of war,
she soon shot aw ay her colours, and sup. ossine she bad
struck, ceassd firing 5 but finding the Neda P con imed
irbaey she renewed the ac lon, pre a. to bord, and
Shoered up alongside, at wouch time che Cactain of thy
Audusof) swung tis bat, as a signal of surrenders but it
Was Wi li ailliculty (hat the omcers revented th oan
from boards her, they not obsersi g he sigual given. of
surrender, Le appeared by the Ai Orso ls papers. that
sire had JO Hel, several of them wihioar ow tic Woundod
(Ovo mortally.) and the briz much shot to proces, so thae
ib took two yeloue ours abior the action ty ceo aic hor.
Phe Srpetbe lad one mar killed, bat dit not reccive @
wound da ler bali?
Chureslon, Mity Q1.— A rvived at (his 8.l. the Seeand
eatnt british sly Polka, (late Ca. tain Hoya ) oN!
vf fiZeetoaslery priest the pamwat eo Sar y J ek,
bet. Chanzily of tits ps ort— Poe Polhkica wes Ca
VOI N pails ou Cape Nichoa Mole, atcce a welloco:
besfcd acto of upwards of two bourse. She was fin:
Carel d UD) yowedis Jy diel her Cres )) id rade a Sfout and
fdiaut rossistatves of foour ten to Uftecu misutes on heer
own docks. We lerent on board, that the ollicors an
Crew Of the Pesliain Desavod throughout the
ost veroic manner, aud did vot yrod anal acts ati) OVP.
powered by wuinbers. “Phe Seucy Jack | acl} leieste
Iicut, and ous man killed; and 2d Lieut, Cu fara of
Arms, and serco men, wounded. On board the ied
Were four hiled aud cleven wounded—amon
AChIOM ity ty
= fhe brit ‘cf
Chey with
' }
fae pu TSP) Were landed at PorleausPance— the diy
YPFEVIOUS to ler Cal luce Sie Ne | an ene IF Wit /
Was Captain boyd, daugerousty in the bere.
Cartivcentan privateers, which she suceced d oadan
/ s
Oils Dit ihe courage and proserveriuce of the Owiee.s id
; .
CCN ol the. Silly Jick Were Hut so e@astv of
ible Specimen of he biavory an
‘ood condict Of Ainericae seainoa.=—SV oo btedly een.
to havescen a fines sliptuan the PeAwams she ts 5 J
Lhis is atotucr laor.
{~ am
Coppered to the bord y mounts fen i2enound corron
if 9 ‘
md tong sixes, and hada Complatum. Col trom 56 to J)
nen, CxClusive Of several passengers, She ts altwost nov
(this bang “ second veyase) and is in CVCTY Way fitted
(ac most con) late of avy merchant sli that nas catered
OW! per for a lon tine.
Chilliccthe, May 2'.—On Thursday eveaing ‘ast, £0 of
fhe British prisuucrs of war encamped near this
wore puta close CofiseMent, ii pursavauce of oid
the Prosatent of the Gi ited states,
i ‘9
- hrom
several cumowrs ape
Afloat wild respect to Che causes of their imprisonmer ts
but as we cannot vouch for (heim authenticity, we du nut
fecl ourselves authorised to circulate.
Nee lork, May 29.—We had no less than three val re
able arvivals at this Port, wiz.—The very fastesa liz,
Doautibal paivate armed se I yoner Chasseur, Capt. Wood:
from a long erutse; the letter of marque brig Merry Wil.
der, Newsou, trom la Gutara, and her prize the SClooter
bouns Furmer, fruw the same port, both with valuable
—F ae -
The accounts from Spain are to the enlightened and
Hberel mind, of a nature the inmost cheerless and unpleasa it,
very act of the Cortes people has boom wanutled by th
‘dearly beloved Ferdinand 37) and Spam afice all .
ii a
ight prospects, is ales! doomed to degenerate data tae
due state as in the carsest aes. Noristhisal-: fo¢
chat we find by (he private tettees from Mardi, toa Q
Patriots who were arrested On thea roach ol i\ f
(lo that chiy Coutiuue CO be prosecutcd wilh dhe ulus?
View original
View original q)
qi ~ I }

View original 9 9 ge e
torday, 21 francs tle pound atesling—an imvrovement of
wiOTs ladll . } Ck Coit. bat he ‘ thea red VCO mS
% T e ‘ 4 ’ . °
In the House of Commoas, on Monday nicht. an ine
teresting debate. ard -tillmove dat es doe disclosure tou!
place, respecting (he vate meseckied soe a tettiitee Doe
tweed he Primes of naire aed f1e ev veces aroatle of
Wa CS, Some months a 1a) the NOV, Perey | to ol ch
Netherlands made a pubiie commacieanoun to ls States
that (he marricge was fo fake place beta co hi yah
the Padi ess ol [:, Yo vat I. ‘Phe SAvi) Creel \ \4
lavccly noticed tna letter feead the arincess ol Woe to ta.
Speaker of th thousc of GIN, Qdirt So Es mod
oil, Woiuatts sad Coucoivod t bit ile trudse ¢ )
possess¢d sucicien tailoruwidtion eo ative boo tae i od
albince, (uo dtecorise thor be thy . } | iy bo Le et
Ihery bo tuke Place oi MOOS did COCO at, Moeed a
Vaudress to ths \ Coe pe vfial Clb btn ue
Zeit, — dr. my elbroad also sta aol Poob eA Derbor,
(iat the on ToC. tfion hed PP UrOw ol Ouse lb ee
Prince Sues y bb COL pirence | i CN () Oi ud
tort lie rfrous ( our, ‘\ yoreve & cli PoC athes 4 fii
NezocttGon bavi boom biohew od aa tie vita) or eines
stated. are tray. ad we have only, iv @ PPOs oUt wide
WVoliie restet at Ce eae. rh we bo eet be ta
InOfon made da the douse of Cours. We eat wel
Comoadosine tO as some wath ecarrtince. Satan
Te Saoadtbly oats well as tas wdrole ily oe one
I \t Pesca ay Stet au Guess yo os tia L \ i)
“Youn | iiss UN Nl | () i | \ \ it) !
‘ ct purey iQ) . val (iy odd ‘ ‘Od ly ba lf
(1 hopltesy tas it 4 Cod bbe 4 } : \
yencle or wih | wu bb Vets. Ce ’ viol
Cl ys Al tk mowWwial pd ) {
)) TIN i } vis | | ” ‘s, i ( Wa | -
Were Moeilfaer Iho 20 bariis tube gy Ve \
(iiat Nic. vy il OT 1! nada Stuheecdort doa V4 yoo ub eli
lor his mo luis for, Whe Clic eve bot Cob vad ae
(hoy + td to be od | Dy mb Poe ee be eee tte Pave \
miecy, aed nuethtas sigtomont da tae alter of ta
raimcoss Of Wales €0.060 was aa ion OW tet cooad
Warrade thc abaus ors Pod orS ab tds sat flags Verh )
OL die CV COUNT) c MG boa Cran [CUO Hb tas own to L!
rf | ical I , M4 | Voth abd | aly Could ' sob Watahoves re | 1
HOU Whicdy su wil ovory emitme rotmour vad stated to
ry osfrctly trues hoo tad wot Deen P10 Come boa dee
Ision at (he Gine suena ad lress was moved Poe Paes
mont. or (ne Publie need oocound eto woahid Om tds eS.
lon: for, before avy marriee Cia tele: lacey ce -
Catron most bemade ta both roe said Clacat yb oases,
hove sn 1 Ci MEO Nporeie (ut ’ SUC WC ASUPosN ae Elis
ay CONC CIVE eee - ‘; { wild Seaduot the ALICYCLIC.
apprehended from tue warrciacg
Alito ics
Of the Treaty Vels me Adi dP oseers and [i
. J bie J pclur ar ps econ.
Art. 1. This vrosty th mperor N toon renonne
ror ‘I | . Ith “t Sal | \ . \\ lwo
rl! too yore ) ; l} oye ‘ ard
hots po, \" 1] to ' ! Jk bu OU batou aah
Of Ttualy. as over ev ry Qouben \
I | bli ove Po pesticos Che ; AO bang! mom Magta
Loouisa retain Creve thoes ra .f ° Joyed devny
mae lives, Pave une r, Fn ty ry osster go oner tes
aud otpeces of thi ry shal ao reba wherever the,
haty J | . th) iit! | ‘a WoN OL ov bolig \.
bhd. I. | f Po, ado j Vo ois wha ty the
Minneror Nacoleow as tue Hleee of tis reyideaees shall
horm duries tis likes rate pad danty. hoshalb dy
pes ) 0) shacid VTE Ut | > | ’ | | He b> les
revuted, te full property. to hua) cror OleoOt, ati
byt vonue ob 200 Io fi Souinr Cate re in the
treat book of buane. of whica { ,OCO,COU suall be du re.
vi bom fo th Livre >.
PV. Pas Dechos of Parma, Placentiag and Gare: facqa,
Hall be grant ds an ful pro erty and sovecoanty, Co dics
Maypotyv tic dean ress Midita Pousdas they shod pass Co
her sow and to the d--ceudants in the reht ine. The
Poiace her sou shall from bonceforth t ke the tithe of
Mrivce of Para. Pleocertitn and Guus ‘hla,
V. All th: Powers euoase to Ct) | loy their co d oMecs
lo cause Fo be respeeid ly (hie | arbary Powers the llae
and the Coromtory of tle dsle of loay for which purpoce
ho thre barbary Powers shall be assimilated
to those with koran
tec relation wai
Vi. Phere shall be reeerved in the territories hereby
renounced, to lis Nj mrosty the | liperor Nal a ‘on. for
Irees in tie
Jicab book gf Vrance, peoductog a rovenae., clear ef al
biuself and his fain Gunoaine or rentech
deductions and) charses of 2.500 G00 tranes., Phos (lo.
maths or rents shall beloue in full proverty, and shall be
disposed of as they shall think (iy to the Pricers aq]
Piincessse of his family aad shall be devided amonest chew
insuch manner that the reveaue of vach stall be in (be
lullowing proj orton, viz s—
lo Madame Mere
eee Raw Ee wR ww ew we ew ow wal OU, (if)
bo ning Joseoh and his Queen... ce... 0.00. bo
Po Wing Louis... occ cece cece cee eee ee ee LUO)
Po Quecn Liortense end to her Childrcen. weeeee IO’)
Po the King Jerome aud lis Queen... 00... oe IOUS)
Po the Princess Blizal soo... ee ee ee eee ce eet 0
To the Vemcess Paulina,............0..... 2 Ooo
2,509 OOO
The Princes and Princesses of tho House of the hay) eror
Wapulson suall retain besides (heir property, moveable
7: °
View original
View original —_- — — —__.~»
Jaist Of Lneaecly Nesioes, (it the Col Ny SOAs of
Sates 12 on She Lith fecusl is! }.
Nattaes, Vroprielors, Loy Vedran freee ag
—— ne a | ee ee _——. - OU
View original Na 1) i
’ ~— th.
besa ) ‘Ly a! | thi l
MIcreiuases | | } ) | if )
i ‘
bull iV. I ' V Uea€e
lurph Pin. ef iianyer
phy | 5
alls il an Mts \ be ita
(, i us val't vue lle
ivf (iliac ae | eld } I-C;
y | am | | Cul
latina | ly Gialsidl | PONY.
\ ) | | 1h), pbG \'le
L\donuus yhotem. jlaem
' .
JOC | 1 | i n orf
wlarikanne, | tlach Mort,
bana | Or harley
CooLro | | ti tr fin
har Zel | cm Lyicisean
PON. DETTINGER. Onder Sheree
ee a ee - . e mm" ap amr:
— — = —
d “blisl (dG ¢. (fd / ‘| © €10C/ ) l’. y
. ; Ya’ _ i] g ‘sf > ‘ °
e . st i 4 4 ( ).
Pri / ‘ of - . / >.>; .
a UW CeO) seas Child 4 eiaclars

20 August 1814