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The Berbice Gazette

View original 1815.)
View original Pwelve dollars p. annum.
BY His Excellency Henry Writrram
Bentinck, Lientenant-Governor and Com-
mander in Chief in and over the Settlement
of Berbice and its Dependencies, President
in all Coufts and*Colleges within the same,
&e. &e. &e.
WITEREAS I have been duly informed, that the
Commissioners, app intel by the Right Honorable
the Lords Conintissioners of Elis Mi yjesty” s ‘Treas-
ury, for the direction and management of His Ma-
yesty as Listates and Plantations in this colony and the
Slaves thereunto appertaining and also all other
Slaves belonging to the Crown, in Berbice, have re-
moved A, A. dela Court from the Oflice or employ-
ent of their Principal Agent, and appointed James
Walker as their satd Principal Agent or Manager,
William Scott as Assistant ; moreover, that th
act of revocation and removal was duly made known
to the said A. A. de la Courton the 9th day of Fe-
brary last, and on that day bis said Office determin-
Notice is hereby given, that the said James Wal-
ker as such Principal Agent or Manager, and Wim.
Scottas Assistant, hav e been, are and ought to be du-
ly in¢ knowledge «J and respected in their several ca-
pacities atoremention d. from the 9th day of }ebru-
aly laste
Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms, this 24th
April, 1S1os.
Py Command,
Pr. WIHTTE, Gov. Sec.
— — ——- ee
By the Honorable Court of Policy and Cri-
minal Justice of the Colony Berbice —To all
to whoin these presents shall or may come !
WHEREAS the pee . the Court of Policy:
and Criminal Jus tice lave deemed it expedient to
Nominate, ane | His Lexcellency the Governor to elect
giic tlon. P. Fairbairn : “ the Lfon. A.J. Glasius,
fembers of the Cor Policy, to be Members ot
the Honorable Cour | of Cis il dus slice, ia the place
of Simon Praserand Francis Briitlebank, Msquires.
Notice whereofts eiven to the Public, thatall per-
s within this Govermacnats i v Tesp ct the afore-
$s id Geatlemen mmf i Capacidy accorci ly,
Scerclary’s Ohice, Beibice, 25 April, ISL.
By Command
Hh) ordinary Sittings Of the Court of Civil Jus-
ier, of the colony Berbice, which were to have bee:
heldon Monday the 2t April, are postponed all
Monday the 8 May, IS!o.
By Command,
R.€. DOWNER, Sec.
By His Excellency H. W. Bentinck, Esq.,
Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony Berbice,
President in all Courts and Qplleges within
the same. And the Honorable Court of
Policy and Criminal Justice of the said co-
lony. ‘Foall to whom these presents shal]
or may come; Gree tine! be it known:
Hl hereas by the resignation and departure of the
Hon. John Papin, from this colony, a vacancy fias
again taken plaice ine the llon. Court of J olicy anc
Criminal Justice of the colony Berbice; And His
Excetlency the Governor having heen pleased from
out ofa Nomination, made by the Court, toelect W.
Katz, Usq. to be a Member of the said Court. No-
cc ishcieby given to the Public, that all) persons
Within this Government may acknowledge and res-
pect aforesaid Gentleman in his said capacity.
Done in Court of Policy and Criminal mustice of
the colony Berbice.
King’s House, M@w Amsterdam, 15 April, 1815.
By command of the Court,
R. C. DOWNER, Scc.
qe ewe ss s Oo e eee e8
FOR SALE by the subscriber a variety of
Books, amongst which are the English Encyclopedia,
10 volumes, and about 300 volumes of Nove is, just
Tecciyed from Demerary. 22 April. WW. SCOT.
View original \
View original ———————————————
View original MAY nara 81 DAYS.
View original Phases of the Moon.
Last Quarter, Ist Day, at 8h. 25m. Morning.
New Moon, 9th Day, at 2h. 28m. Morning.
First Quarter, 15th Day, at !0h. 35m. Morning.
Full Moon, 25d Day, at [h. 5m. Morning.
Last Quarter, 3!st Day, at 2h. 12.m Morning.
View original D. of
M. W.
Holidays, Phenomena, &c.
H. W.
Il. M.
View original _—
- —
3 Fak 32
10| W
1!) Th
14) Su
15| M
16} Tu
I7| W
18} Th
19) FF
91) Su
29 | M
93 | ‘Tu
94) W
29) Th
26) F
28 |) Su
290| M
30 ‘I iB
St. Phillip & St. Jas. Com. Court.
Neap Tides.
Invention of the Cross.
Ascension Duy. EHoly Thursday.
Sund. after Ascen. Day. Duchess
(of York born 1767.
Spring ‘Tides.
W hit-Monday.
Whit-Tuesday. Neap Tides.
Princes of Wales born 1768.
Queen Charl. born I7 #4.
Trinity Sunday.
Prs. Elizabeth b. 1770. Ct. of Rolls
Sun Enters Gemini.
Spring ‘Tides.
Ist Sunday after Trintty.
King Chaites ff. restored.
— —.
D> +
7? = =>?
View original TE KOOP negen roeden land van het ert
No. 7, de breedte van een halfert, met een daarop
staande woonhuis, lang 41 by {7 voeten, staande op
blokken en gedckt mot schaaltjes.
Een do. 24 by 10 voeten, zydegebouw.
en do, 22 by 10 voeten, do.
Een do. 17 by 9 voeten, do.
Ren gemak huisje met schaaltjes gedekt.
Nog SO vocten |ind van het er? No. 7, leewende ten
guiden vain No.8, geheel ingekraald. Voor verdere
berichten vervocge men zich by La Rose, of by
29 April. BAL PER.
FOR SALE, nine rovds of land of Lot No.
8, the breadth ef a balflot, with a house thereupon,
Hl feetloung by 17 wide, shingled and standing en
A do, 2% feet by 10, a side building.
A do. 22 feet by 10, do.
A do. 17 feet by 9, do.
A privy, covered with shingles.
Also 85 tect from Lot Ne. 7, south side of No. 8, all
railed in. Vor farther particulars, apply to Mr. La
Rose, or to the subscriber
99 April. CG. BALTER.
NOTICE.—The Subscriber having char-
ced himself to collect Ghe Subscriptions for F. d’Al-
iée’s passage to Rurope, begs the Subscribers to send
him their Liberal Gifts as svon as possible, in order
that he may be able to pay the expences for the
above purpose.
29 April. J.G.F. THIENSMA.,
TO HIRE, Exght or Ten excellent Field
Negroes. Lnquire at this Oflice. 29 April.
Berbice, 30th March, 1815.
THE Annual Plantation Accounts for Head-
Money, &c. &c. up to the Ist January, 1815, are
now ready for delivery. As those Taxes become duc
in April next, the undersigned requests the early at-
tention of those concerned, in making payments, to
enable him to discharge the pressing demands against
this Office.
DANIEL ALLT, Dep. Rec. Gen.
View original
View original (
(No. 554.
View original ( Payable in advance.
View original SECRETARY’s OFFICE.
This is to inform the Public, that the following
Persons intend quitting this colony.
John Cheyney will leave this colony for Demerary.
Thomas Wade and family in 6 weeks from 1 April.
Simon Fraser (Kilmorack) will quit {his colony.
J. C. M’Leod in 6 weeks from April 15.
J. van der Schroeff en family in do. from do.
N. J. de Wolff in do. from do.
I. Wheatland in do. from do.
The Hon. J. M’Camon in one month from 13 April.
View original Notice ts hereby given, that a month after date the
following. Transporrs and Mortgages will be passed
AprilS. The free Larose will pass a mortgage in fa-
vor of H.W. Hackmann qq. the boedel C.Nan-
nings, his plantation known as No. 13, east side
in Canje river, with all its ap- and dependencies
and 34 Negroes thercon, names to be scent this
Office. ,
\pril 15. J. van der Schroeff will transport to J. H.
Schlarhorst 15 Negroes, names to be seen at this
@ Office. J. H.Schiarhorst will pass a mortgage
on said Negroes, with an addition of 12 more,
names also to be seen at this Office.
\pril 22. C. C. Swaving and M. F. Costenbader, qq-
Westrik and Pool and Syadies, will transport to
the Minor Heirs of the late Johanna Agnise
Westrik, late Wife of Charles Henry Fraser,
dec. 53—I144 in the united coffee Plantations
Essendam and Sans Souci, with slaves and fur
— The :xeculors of the Estate of the Widow H.
J. Buse, will transport to the Representatives of
the Estate of {1.C. Brandes, Lot 47, second em-
polder of this town.
~— H, Staal will transport to J. H. Schlarhorst the
lower quart of Lot No. 16, situate on the new
middle road to the backdam.
J. HW. Schlarhorst will transport to C. R. Heyt-
meyer about SO roods of the whole facade of
said lot.
R. C. DOWNER, Sedill
ALL persons having claims on the Cotton
Plantations Brahan and Kintail, on the West Sea
coast; and Seawe/lon the East Sea coast, of this co-
lony, are requested to render the same on or before
the last day of the present month, to the undersign-
vd.—15 April.
R. C. DOWNER, See.
— 2
View original eee eee ss sssnsseessesesnesssnsenesssnee
ALL persons having demands against the Es-
fates of the late Lambert Blair, Esq. situate within
this. colony ; or against John M’Camon, Esq. are re-
quested to render in their accounts to J. M’Camon
l’sq. without delay.—13 April.
R. C. DOWNER, Secy.
WHEREAS Application, by Petition, has been
made to the Jlomble. Court of Policy and Criminal
Justice of the colony Berbice, at their Sessions of the
3th April, 1S15, for Letters of Manumission :
John Ross for the mulatto boy John, born from
the Negro woman Agnes.
Robert Grant for the two mulatto children John
and Robert.
John Fraser in quality as surviving Executor to
the last will and testament of Hector M’Kenzie
for the mulatto girl Rose.
Notice whercof is hereby given to those whom it
may concern, and who may wish to oppose the grant
ofsaid Letters of Manumission,that they may address
ihemselves in writing to the undersigned Secretary of
the colony, previous to the ensuing Sessions of the
Hon. Court, when a final disposition will be made on
the aforesaid Petition.
Secretary’s Ollice, Berbice, 15th April, 1815.
R. C. DOWNER, See.
View original NO'TICE The Creditersof Plantation No.
JI, Corentyn coast, are requested (o meet the Trus-
lees, on Monday the Sth proximo, inthe forenoon,
itthe rooms of Mr. Binning’s, when the sur plus pro-
ceeds of the crop will be disposed of amongst them.
22 April. Trustees
§2- In consequence of the Court of Justice meeting
on Monday next the 24th inst. the Meeting ol
this Society is postponed to Thursday the 4 of
May next. 22 April.
Tur next Meeting of this Society will be
held at Plantation No. 11, Corentyn coast, on Wed-
nesday the 26th inst.—The undersigned is directed
by the President to state, that the article published
under the name of this Society in last Saturday’s Ga-
zette—“* Inviting the Members to come prepared for
discussing the question therein mentioned, at their
eysuing meeting ;”’ Is unauthorised, and entirely
contrary to the established usages of this Institution.
15 April. EF. CORT, Sec.
<<<» lll lll lll A BLD LAL
View original ——- —
DRIETED or Stolen, from Plantation Vrv-
heid, a flat bottomed Punt, 25 fect long by 7 feel
broad, has lately had a piece of new plank put on
one side about 5 leet long. Any person giving tofor-
mation that will lead toa discovery, will be rewarded.
THE Subscriber takes this opporcunity (6 give no-
tice, that all Nogroes found on the Vryheid Estate,
with er without a pass, (except on the public road),
will be taken up and far her dealt with according to
Loa-y, as the depredation committed by ther, unde
the pretence of cutting grass, is ineridtble, and con
sequey ly no longer to be subinilted to,
oe April. W. KATZ.
View original TE KOCOP—De volgende onlangs gelosic
voederen, met het schip Ceres, Capt. J. Willems—
teste Westphaalsche laummen, neger tabak opge-
maakt in} ponds pakjes, do. korte pypen, Duinker-
ker snuif, groene en zwarte thee in 4 ponds bossen,
Spamisch groen, kruis hengzels en krammen, heeren
en dames scliryf kisjes, extra goede grocne brillen
met zilver omzet, do. sleutel ringen, fyne Engelsche
scheermessen en diverse andere kleinighedens meer.
22 April. J.G. PF. THIENSMA.
On Tuesday the 2d May will be soid amongst
the ercditors of Plantation d’Edward, from 20° to
95,000 peunds first quality coffee, at the house ol
W m. Fraser, Esq. New Amst.
22 April. Sequestrators.
NOTICE ishereby given—That on account
of the Sale of Plantation Ceani s, and other cireum-
stauces, the opening of the Tenders, and the Sale o!
theggtion of Planta:‘on Good Hope, corentyn coast.
is WB poned until Monday the Sth May next.
Por F. BRUPTLEBANK and sell
©2 Anvil J.C. SPANGENBERG, Seq'rs.
mm (sl
ACARPENTER inclined to supertniend the
framing, erecting, and finishing a Coflee Logie, on
vi Hoetate in this river, can apply for surther intor-
rnation to cilher of the undersigned. .
G. PAUELS, qq.
¥2 April. H. LUTHERS, qq.
TE A A ll
View original TE a
On Friday the 5th May next, will ve sold on Pln.
S. afield, West-Goast, by order of thé Executors of
Alexander Simpson decease «1, the following elfects,
viz.—Houschold furniture, plate, elass, and earthen-
ware, a valuable collection of books, among which
are the Encyclopedia Perthensis, Naval Chronicle,
&c. Valuable Fait watch, about 25 dozen choice old
Madeira wine, a valuable negro, named William, a
complete house servant, and several field People.
D.C.Cameron, Dep. Vendue. Master.
View original ——— ee
Qn Saturday the 6th May S15, will sold be by or-
derol the executors of Jolia Robinson, dec., and the
Lond of Orphan Chainber, representing the Estate
of o1 Finlay Smith, dec. and in value of due autho-
ry obtamed from the Honorable Court of Civil Jus-
tice, for that PULPOSsa, Plantation Chester, on (hic
West coast, with all the buildings ‘and cultivation
thereon, together with 62 Slaves, and fnrther appur-
denances, being the joint property of I. Smith ane
J. Robinson.—Terms of Sale—Slaves at 3 and six
nivnths; Lands, at G, 12, and 18 months ercdit.
D.C. Cameron, Dep. Vendue Master.
On Wednesday the 8 May at the Vendue Office,
by order of Danicl Allt, Esq. Dep. Rec’r General,
the Schooner Harriot Elizabeth, with her masts, satls
rivging &e., as she now lays at the Stelling of Mr,
Win. Iraser.
Onthe same day, by order and at the Store of
Messrs. G. Bone & Co.—Grenada rum in puncheons
brandy and gin in quantities not tess than 5 gallons,
Maceira and Port wine in bottles, raspberry & cher-
ry brandy, oysters, olives, pease, barley, porter in
Liids,, paints and oils, eandics, negro cloathing and
View original hlankets, cnttlery, iron mongery, and brass-ware, iro
pots, and boilerrs, steclyards (Mutch weight), sta-
tionary assorted, Russia sheeting, salempores, cali-
coes, muslins, musquito netting, counterpannes as-
sorted insizes, gen(lemen’s coats and waistcoats, wril-
ing desks and dressing cases, elegant mahogany tool
chests complete, glass-ware assorted, vase lamps, and
a variety of other articles.
By the Hon’bl. John M’Camon, 10 pipes and 10
hhds. Madeira wine.
D.C. Cameren, Dep. Vendue Master.
On Friday 12 May will be sold at the Vendue Of
fice, without reserve, by order of W. Kewley, Esq.
5 pipes and 5 hogsheatls Madeira wine, upwards of
‘wo years in this cnlony, 20 ps. Osnaburgs, cotton
bagging, brown dowlas, Marseille waitscoating, ca-
sumere, long lawn, cotton shirling, calicoes, diaper,
damask, cotton and linen checks, twill'd florentine,
frish linen, real [udia salempores, ladies silk gloves,
rentlemens silk stockings, knives, forks, natis assort
vd, &c.
By the Vendue Master in commission, a variety of
(ry goods and provisions, gin, rum, brandy, beer &
porter in vottels, Madeira in do.
D.C. CAMERON, Dep. Vendue Master.
Qf ET AA ES eo
View original Marshal’s Office.
NOTICE is hereby given to the Public :—
That the Sale of Plautation Wi/morack, the proper-
ly of Simon Fraser, which sale was advertised to
take place on Monday the First day of May next, is
postponed until further order.
e Berbice, 29 April, IS]5.
K. Francken, First Marshal.
qa ESE ww eee Eee
View original eee rs" ee
TAKEN from off the desk of the undersigned
2 locket with hair, sett in gold, such person why inay
have by mistake, (or olherwise) taken the same, are
requested to retuta it, it being a present froma friend.
29 April GLO. BONE.
NOTICE is hereby given to the Creditors cf
Plantation C7//fton and a”. 1B. Inelis, (hat 30 bales of
Cotton will be put up forsale amongst them, on wfon-
lay the Sth of Blay next, at the Store of Messrs.
loberts & Veihune, in New Amsterdam.
May 29.
—— ————— —— —~__ — —————
--— Se — ll Ss
= *0-* 2a
——° a
Yesterday entercd this Port, an American scheoner,
from Niw Jork, in distress, lo repeu.
Cleared this wees the following vessels :—Trailer,
for Greenock; Apollo, ‘Treasurer, and Claud Scott,
for Lrrerpool.
— or Eee
View original $$$
Washugton, eb. 7.
The President this day sent the following
to Congress :-—
© Tu the Senate and UWouse of Representatives of
the United States.
‘¢ Peace having happily taken place between the
United States and Great Britain, it is desirable to
ruard against accidents which, during the periods
of war in Europe, might tend to interrupt it; and it
is believed, in particular, that the navagation of
American vessels exclusively by American Seamen.
‘ither natives or such as are already naturalised,
vonkd not only conduce to the attainment of that ob-
ject, but also to increase the number ef our scamen,
ind consequently te render our commerce a. .t mavi-
sation independent of the service of foreigners, whe
night be recalled by their Governments ander cir-
cumstances the most inconvenient tc the U. States.
[ recommend the subject, therefore, to the consider-
ition of Congress, and in deciding upon it I am per-
suaded that they will sufliciently estimate the policy
of manifesting to the world a desire, on all occasions,
(o cultivate harmony with other nations, by any rea-
sonable accommodations which do not impair the
enjoyment ofany of the essential righis ef a free and
independent people. The example on the part of
the American Goverment will merit, and may be ex-
View original ,
sected toveccive, a reciprocal attention from all the
friendly Powers of Lurope.
“6 JaSs Mapison.”
This Message was referred to Committees in both
Houses. The b:ve reported, that however desirable
the regulation recommended may be, there is not suf-
ficient time for the present Congress to give the sub-
ject a deliberaf® examivution ; and therefore recom-
mended that it be referred to ihe next Congress. —
The report has been accepted.
—— Oe
According {o private accounts fom Sein, a dis-
covery has been made, which, alfhough not distinctly
explained, is understood to indicate a dispositon, and
even a plot, to remove Bernadote (rom the succession,
and to restore the regular hereditary dynasty in the
son of the late King, whois, according to every ac-
account, a youth of great promise and excellent edu-
calion, (rained up under the special care of iis mother,
who is a woman of excellent comluct and abillity, a
Princess of Baden, and sister to the Empress of Rus-
siae On the discovery to which we allude, Baron
Pipper, who we believe was Chancellor of the king-
dom, one of the principals, is said to have shot hiin-
self; and General Adlercreutz, Commander of the
Forces, was ordered into exile; several other persons
of high distinction being at the same time sent of
their estates.
Weare not surprised that since all Europe has been
restored te nearly that state of soverciznty in which
the French Revolution found it, there should exist in
the North, as in Naples, a strong party, which felt as
if their couatry was humiliated by being Icftundera
a ® dynasty, springing out of that convulsion,
while every other nation was refusing with honor to
(he anciently established order of things. Such feel-
ings are natural to mankind, and we are prone to
respect what is Vencrable from antiquit y—loved be-
cause our forefathers loved it, aud (he rememberance
of which is cherished among our own carly associ-
(ions. These emotions are tle scource of a distaste
at innovation, upon which even every trifling cir-
cumstance working, is the cause why usurpation is
0 unstable, and recently acquired poser so difficult
io be maintained. There was a rumour that the
Crown Prince was willing to resign in favour of the
sonct Gustavus; and while it is obvieus (hat the Al-
lied Sovercigns could not urge such a selticment, it
is net to be disguished that it would be universally
applauded, and secured to the Crown Prince a more
sure and ditinguished place than ever Bonaparte had
a charge of enjoying, unless he had reinstated the
Bourbons on theic Throne.
- wae +
Vhe King of France has sent a superb dress to the
Prince Regent, with the Order of the Holy Ghost, of
which Ure followit@ is a description :—
The mantle all round the border is embossed with
gold, representing the emblems of war, and the H.
surrounded by the imperial crowns. It measures at
(he bottom of the mantic, from one end to the other,
94 fect. The linpet which goes under the mantle is
or green sarsewel, the figures on itare exactly the
same as or (he mantle, but on a much smaller scale.
The collar that govs over the tippet is ef beaytiful
French lace, walued at 1200/. The collar or neck-
lace is composed of diamonds, rubies, emeralds, &e.
indis very beautivul. ‘The hat is made of black vel-
vet, embossed with wold round it, wit a beautiful
ostrich feather at the top. The breeches are white
sarsenct, and made in the antique way, embroidered
with silver, and a pair of hose of white silk. The
snoes are made of silver tissuc, with roses ef white
satin. There are two swords, very beautivul, with
golden hilts. There is also a dress of his attendant,
which is very beautivul, but not so superb as the
View original
H.B.M. Ship, Evttymion, at Sea, Jan.16, 1815
Sir,—The painful duty ofdetailing to you the par-
ticular causes which preceded and Jed to the capture
of the late United States frigate President, by a
squadron of His Britannic Majesty's ships [ Majestic
(razce), Endyinion, Pomone, Tenedos, Dispatch
\ brig], has devolyed upon me. dn my communica-
ation of the 4th, I made known to you my intention
of proceeding to sea, that evening. Owing to some
mistake of (he @lots, the ship in going out grounded
on the bar, where she continued to strike heavily for
an hour aed a half;—although she had broken seve-
ral of ber rudder braces, and had received such other
material injury as to render her return into port de-
sirable, | was unable todo so from the strong wester-
ly wind which-was blowing. It being now high wa-
ter, it became necessary to force ber over the bar he-
fore the tide fell; in this we succeeded by 10 0’clock,
when we shaped our course along the shore of Lone
Island, for 50 miles, and then steered S. E. by EF.
Al5 o'clock, three ships, weee discovered ahead ; we
ipmediately hauled up the ship, and passed two miles
to the noritiward ofthem. Atday-light we discover-
ed four ships in chase, one on cach @uarter, and two
astern, the leading ship of the enemy a razee. She
commenced fire upon us, bat without effect. Atl rme-
ridian, the wind beeame light and baffling; we had
Increzsed our distance from the razce, but the next
ship astern, which was also a ‘arge ship, had gained
and continued to gain epon us considerably. We
immediately occupied all hands to lighten ship, by
scarting water, cu(ling away the anchors, throwing
overboard provisions, cables, spare spars, boats, and
every erlicle that could be got at, keeping the sails
wet from the royals down. At 8, we had the wind
quite light; the enemy, who had now been joined by
abrig, had strong breeze, and were coming up with
us rapidly. The Endymion(mounting 50 guns, 24-
pounders on the main-deck) had now approached ws
Within gun-shot, and had commenced a fire willi he
bow guns, which we rcturnerd from our stern.—A!
5 o'clock she had obtained a position on our starboard
guarter, within half point-bliuk shot, on which neithes
our stern nor quaricr guns would bear. We were now
steering FE. by N. the wind N. W. {remained with
erin this position for ha!fan hour, in the hope that
she would close with us on our broadside, in which
case | had prepared my crew to board; but from hi
continuing to yaw his ship to maintain his position, it
became evident that to close was not his intcuation.
Every fire now cut some of our sails or rigging. To
have continued our course nnder these cireumstinces,
would have been placing it in his power to criple us.
without being subject to injury himself; and to have
hauled up more to the northward, to bring eur stern
guns to bear, would have exposed us to the sakiug
fiire.—It was now dusk, when I determined (fo alic:
my course south, for the purpose of bringing the en-
emy abeam; and although their ships astern, wer
drawing up fast, I felt satiffed 1 should be enabled t
throw him out of the combat before they conld come
up; and was not without hopes, if the night proved
dark (of which there was every appearance), that
might still be enabled to effeet my escape. Our op-
onent kept off at the same instant we did, and our
* commenced at the same time. We continued en-
gaging, steering S. with steering sails set, two hours
and a half, when we completgly succeeded in dis-
mantling her. Previously to her dropping entirely
out of the action, there were intervals of minutes,
when the ships were breadside and broadside, in
which she did not fire agun. At this period (half-
past eight o’clock), although dark, the other ships
of the squadron were in sight, and almost within gnn-
shot. We wsre, of course, compelled to abandon her.
In resuming our former course for the purpese of
View original ‘voiding the squadron, we were corapelled to pre-
sent our stern to our antagonist; but such was his
state, though we were thus exposed within range of his
guns for half an hour, that he did not avail himself of
(his favourable opportunity of raking us. We con-
tinued this @ourse until 11 o’cleck, when two fresh
ships of the enemy (the Pomone and Tenedos) had
come up. The Pomene had opened her fire on the
laboard bow, within musket shot, the other about two
cables’ lenght astern, taking a raking position, on our
quarter; and the rest (with exceptioa of the Endy-
inion) within gun-shot. Thus situated, with about
one-fifth of my crew killed and wouaded, my ship
crippled, and a more than fourfold force opposed to
me, without a change of escape left, I deemed it my
luly to surrender.
It is with eraotions of pride I bear testimony of the
gallantry and steadiness of every officer and men ]
had the honour to command, on this occasion; an¢ J
feel satisfied that the fact of their having beaten a
force equal to themselves, in the presence and almost
ander the guns of so vastly a superior furce, when,
too, it was alinost selfevident, that whatever their
exertions mizht be, they must ultimately be captured,
vill be taken as evidence of what they would have
lormed, and the force opposed to them been in any
degree equal,
It is with exfreme pain, | have to inform yon, that
Lieutenants Babbit, Hamilton, and [fowell, fell in the
actioa. ‘They have leit no superior officer behind
If, Sir, the issue of this affair had been fortunate, }
shomld have felt it my duty to have recommend rd to
yourattention Lieutenants Shabricks and Gallegher.
—They maintained through the day the reputation
they had acquired in former actions.
Licutenant Twiggs, of the marines, displayed great
zeal; his men were well supplied, and their fire in-
coreparable, so leng ac the enemy continucd within
musket range.
Midshipman Randolph,whobad charge of the fore-
castle division, managed it to my entire satisfaction.
Prom Mr. Robinson, who was serving us as volun-
teer, I received essential aid, particularly after I was
leprived of the services of the Master, and the severe
luss 1 liad sustained in my officers on the guarter-
Our loss in killed and wounded Iam unable at pre-
sent to give you a correct statement ; the attention of
‘ic Surgeon being so entirely occupied with the
wounded, that he was unrble to make out a correct
return when E left the President, not shall I be able to
nake i until our arrival in port, we having parted
company with the squadron yesterday. ‘The enclos-
ed list, with the exception, | fear, of ils beingshort
vf the number, will be found correct.
Por 2k hours alter the action, it was nearly calm:
ind (hesquadron were occupied in repairing the crip-
pled ships. Such of the crew of the President as
were not badly wounded, were put en board the dif-
ren! ships; myself anda part of my crew were put
on board this ship. On the 17th we had a gale from
the eastward, when this ship lost her bowsprit, fore
idl mainimast(s, and mizen topmast, all of which were
badly wounded, and was in consequence of her dis-
tbled condition obliged to throw over board all her
upper-deck guns. Her loss in killed and wounded
must have been very great; Ihave not been able to
ascertain the extent. Ten were buried after I came
on board (SG hours after the action); the badly
wounded, such asare obliged to keep their cots, oc-
cupy the starboard-side of the gua-deck, from the
cabin bulk-head to the main-mast. From the crip-
pled state of the President's spars, I feel satisfied she
could not have saved ler masts, and J feel serious
apprehensions for the safety of our wounded left on
Itis due to Capt. Hope to state, that every atten-
View original ion has been paid by him to myself and Officers that
have been placed on board his ship, that delicacy
and bumanity ceuld dictate.—I have, &c.
Sterpugsn Decatur.
Killed on board the President—Thiec Licutenants
and 21 seamen.
Mounded—Sailing-Master Rogers, Mr. Robinson,
two Midshipmen, one Master’s- Mate, and 50 men.
OO OE ee -
View original Ee
Augsburg, Jan. 20.
According to the Austrian army list, just publish-
ed, the militia establishment of that empire consists
at present of 74 regiments of infantry of the line, 14
battalions of light infantry, among which are some
ree corps, 37 regiments of cavalry and several regi-
ments of Artillery. The staff comprehends 472 Ge-
nerals, employed and unemployed, among whum are
16 Ficld Marshals.
Naples, Jan. 12.
The situation of our Court in regard to that of
Rome is daily becomming more difficult. His Holi«
ness has confined in tho Castle St. Angelo several
Neapolitans, holding military rank and eraploy ments,
styling them robbers and chiets of banditti.
There has been seditious movements in the Calas
The Princess of Wales will prolong her sfay here
ill the month of May.
Naples, Jan. 28.
It appears that our Court wished to make reprisals
with regard to the Court of Roine, and to avenge the
insults offered to our Consul-General ; but the police
bas thrown an air of picasantry over the business.—
Kisht days ago, three persons of a religious order,
calling themselves missionaries, arrived here. ‘The
were, iu fact, furnished with antherity from the A-
postolic Chancery to make collections for the enter
tainment and restoration of their order. They exhi-
bited the signatures of the greatest families in Lue
rope, and ol the most illustrious prelates, and thus
gol access to the first families of the kingdom. The
police conceived that it ssw in them three agents of
the Court of Rome; it therefore caused them to be
arrested, and made them uodergo several examina-
ions. ‘They spoke equally well the Polish, German
and French Languages. At first they were desirous
of giving great eclat to this affair, when they disco-
vered (hat these three priests were in fact three rob
bers belonging to the association in the valley of Bor-
feggiana, in the Appennines ; that all their papers
were mere forgeries. They were consigned to the
hands of Justice, and for this time ocr policc has not
had occasion (o humiliate the Holy Father. °
Rome, Jan. 29.
The Neapolitan troops have not yet penetrated into
our cily: but they keep it, as it were, ina state of
biochade, and the mterrupted communications with
the kingdom of Naples are become very difficult.
There are 25,000 men about Rome. We are assur-
ed that (here are in the number some Austrian bate
lalions: however, we cannot confirm this, as we can
see only Neapolitan bivouacs from our wall. Patroles
of lancers have had the audacity to ride even to the
gates of (he city : they were open, and we are with-
vul defence, Notbing was more easy than to give as
the finishing blow ; butsuch is the veneration inspired
vy the capital of the Chistian worid, that it seems
(bat a Prince who respects nothing else, trembles to
place within it a sacrilegious foot. Nothing is more
noble and interesting than the condact of ‘the Holy
Father: he appears to waith in the middle of bis sa-
cred college the destiny which these new scourges of
destiny which these new scourges of the church shall
reserve for him.
eS — =
_—_——_— eo a Ph nk a — eee
Disgraceful Traffic.—Last Thursday evening
(Feb. 2.) a fellow brought up his wife, whose name
is Ann Hewett, a ood looking woman, appearing
about 25 years of age, fo whom she had been married
nearly five years, to the New Cross, Manchester, led
according tu usual custom in a aller; when, aiter
being exposed for some time to a numerous cor-
cuorse of spectators, she was sold to a robust canal
boatman for five shillings and half gallon of beer!!!
A respectable glass-cutter sarrying along the Strand
an elegant argend lamp in each hand, accidentallp
let one of them fall; a friend, an incorrigible punster,
who was passing at the moment, exclaimed —‘‘ My
dear fellow, how I lament to see you reduced to the
unfortunate state of being a lamp lighter.”
A gentleman of no fortune having married a rich
lady of no character, a wit observed, that the one
matricd for a coat and the other for a cloak.
View original “SRE SRA TONE a
DIED] Last V\ cCe Alr
, B. Swiersrs.
View original MARSHAL's OFFICE.
BY virtue of an Appointment frem Ilis Ex-
cellency H. W. Bentincs, Esquire, Licutenant-
Governor of the Colony Berbiee aud its Dependen-
cies, kc. &. &c. given upon a pelilion prest nted by
K. Francken, lirst Marshal, for and in name of F.C.
M’Leod, of Geanics, in the county of Ross, North
Britain. under date of 6th April, 1815. Notice is
hereby given to the Public, that the Execution Sale
of Plantation Geanics, and the lower half of Lot No.
80, which was advertised forsale on the 15th March
last, but which sale did not take place on that cay.
will now positively be sold on Tuesday the 2d May
next. on the spot —Berbice, 7th April, ISlo.
kK. Francken, First Marshal.
BY virtue of an Appointment from His Ex-
eellency H. W. Bextixcs, Esquire, Lientenant-
Governor of the colony Berbice and its Dependen-
cies; Granted upon a Petition, presented by J. G.
C. de Nieuwerheth, 44: John Wilson, qq. John and
Robert Gladstone, of Liverpool, said appotninent
bearing date the 23d March, 1815. Notice is hereby
given tothe Public: That the Execution Sale of the
ndivided halt of the cotton Estate called Resource,
the properly of F. Cort, which was advertised for
Gale on the 10th of April next, is postponed until
Monday the Ist day of May 1815.
Berbice, 25 March, ISIo.
kK. FRANCKEN, First Marsha’.
BY virtue of an Appointment from Vis Ex-
cellency Hl. W. Bextixck, Esquire, Licutenant-
Governor of the coiony Berbice, and its Dependen-
cies, &c. &e. Ke. Given upon a Petition present-
ed by R. C. Downer, in his quality as Representa-
tive of W. King and P. Benjamin, in their capacity
the Estate of Francis Bynoe, deceased
said appointment bearing date 23d March, [St5.—
Notice is hereby given to the Public, that 1 the un-
dersigned, First Marshal of the Courts wilhin (his
colony, intend to Sell, at Execution Sale, in the pre-
sence of two Counsellors Commissarics, and their Se-
erctary, by the going onl of a burning wax-candle,
on Wednesday the 7th June ISIS.
The Cotton Estate called Lewis Manon, situate
on the East coast of this colony, with all its
Slaves, Buildings, anil further Apparlenances
therclo belongs.
Whoever shontd think himsel! entitled fo eppose the
Ixecution Sale of said Plantation Lewis Manor, le:
such person or persols address theimselves to the
‘Marshal’s Otlice of (his colony, declaring thetr rens-
ons for so doing in due tine and form, asd hereby
give notice, that 1 will receive opposition tron every
intermediate person,, appoint them aday to have
his or her claim heard before the Court, and furthe
act therein as the Law directs .
Berbice, 25 March, Isto.
Kk. Francxen, First Marstial.
as Curators to
— _——— _
BY virtue of an Extract from the Minutes
of the Proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice, of
this colony, dated 20 January 1815; Given in the
cause entitled Win. Innis, in quality, as appointed
Curator to the Estate of John Donaldson, deceased,
Plainti’ by Edict, versus, all known and unknown
creditors against the [state ot John Donaldson, dec.
Defendant by Mdict. 1 the undersiened, at the re-
quest of aforesaid Curators, Summon by Edict :—
Allhnown and unknown creditors against the Estate
of John Donaldson, dec. to appear before the Court
of Rolls, on Monday the 22 May, IS15, their to ren-
der in their claims, to verify the same and further to
proceed according to Law.
This Summons by Edict made known to the Public
by beat of drum from the Court {louse of this colony,
and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, 27 April, 1315.
K. FRANCKEN, First Marshal.
—_————__—_- nr eee eenepereeeeenernencnnsnsnenneste aaa emer
- - “se*°* a.
View original BY virtue of an Appointinent from His Ex-
cellency H. W. Bentinck, Esquire, Lieulenant-
Governor of the Colony Berbice and its Dependen-
cies, &c. &c. &c. given upon a petition presented by
J. C. Spangenberg and P. B. Bender, Curators to
the Estate of J. A. Doscher, dec. under date of 15
April, ISI5. 1 the undersigned, First Marshal of
the Courts within this colony, and at the request of
aforesaid Curators, do hereby Suminon by Edict :—
All known and unknown creditors against the afore-
said Estate of J. A. Doscher, dec. to appear before
the Court of Civil Justice, of this colony, at their
Session to be held in the month of January, [S16,
View original for the purpose of there rendering in their claims.
‘o verily the same, and further to procecd according
io Law.
This Summons by Edict made known to the Pu-
blic by beat of drum from the Court tlouse of thi
colony, and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, 20 April, 1815.
K. Francken, First Marslial.
View original rr
BY virtue of an Appointment from His lsx-
celleney H. W. Bentinck, Esquire, Licutcnant-
Governor of the colony Berbice and its Dependen-
cies, &c. &c. &c. dated the 25th March ISL5, gi-
ven upon a Petition presented for that purpose by J.
W. Heytmeyer. I the undersigned, First Marshal
of the Courts within this colony, and at the reques!
of said J. W. Heytmeyer, do hereby Summon by
dict: All known and unknown creditors of thi
said J. W. Heytmeyer, to appear before the Eon.
Commissaries of the Court of Civil Justice, of this
colony, at the Court House, on Thursday the 18th
May I815, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of that day,
for the purpose of there hearing and accede to such
proposals and terms for extension of time to pay of
his respective debts, as he the said J. W. Heytmey-
er then and there shall propose, in order to enable
the Hon. Commissaries to report the result of said
Meeting to the Hon. Court of Civil Justice, at their
Session which will be held in the month of July next
and further to proceed according to Liaw.
‘This Summons by Edict made known to the Public
by beat of druun from the Court House of this colo-
ny, and further dealt with according to custom.
Berbice, 13th April, IST.
K.-REFANCKEN, First Marshal.
View original BY virtue of an Extract from the Vunutes
of the proceedings of the Court of Civil Justice, of
this colony, dated the 16th November I8l4, given
inthe cause entilled R. ‘Paitt and W. Kewley, as
appointed Curaters to the Estate of Richard Harry,
deceased, Plaintiff by Mdict, versus, all known and
unknown creditors against the Estate of R. Baus,
dec. Defendants. I the undersigned Virst Marsha!
of the Courts within this colony, and at the request
of aforesaid Curators, do hereby Summon by edict :
All known and unknown creditors against the Estate
of rn. Barry, dec. ‘To appear defore the Court. of
Rolls, on Monday the 2d May 1815, there fo render
in their claims, to verify the same, arb further to
proceed according to Law.
This Summon by Edict made known to the Pebhe
by beat of dram fiom the Court Honse of Uses colony
and further dealt with according te custom.
Berbice, 1oth April, lol.
a) ’ ar yrte Ff
the RAN iN pots Lirel NMershal.
BY virtue ofan Appointinent fom Tis bix-
ccHency H.W. Bentinck, oq. Lientenont Cover
nor of the colony Berbice and its Dependenttes.
Ke. &e.. given upon a petition presestca by Kh.
lrancken, First Marshal, for and in name of Jane
Praser, under date of Gith April 1815. Notice is nere-
by given to the Public, that the debt tor waich Mn.
Scaficl’, situate on the West sea coast, was placed
ander Execution aud Sequestration, baving been ar-
ranged, the said Pla. Seafield lias this day been re-
leased from said Pxecution and Sequestration accord.
ingly.—Beidice, a April, S15.
Kk. Francxen, First SMarshal.
View original A Nbanacer and Overseer Wanted on a Cof-
fee Estate situate in this river. vor turther particu.
lars apply to the Prinitng Otice, 15 April.
TILE Subscriber’s health requiring a tempo-
rary absence from from the colony, requests all per-
sons indebted to. the Inte concern of Tobson and
Lantsheer, or to himscli for Law business, to pay
their respective accounts. Mr. A. G. Catmer isan-
thorised to receive and grant receipts on both ac-
counts. — W. HOBSON,
April lo. Attorney at Law
YHOSE who have Claims against the Es-
ate of the deceased Mr. Thomas Thorburn, will
please address theniselves to the undersigned, at thi
Store of Messrs. G. Bone & Co.—and all persons in-
dcbted thereto, are entreated to come forward with
payment. Js. MELLIS, r
IS April, P. SULLIVAN, § 7*°°
TENDERS for 35 round bales good clean
ind 2 bales of yellow cotton, from Plantation Good
Hope, Corentyn coast, will be received at the house
of B. Ziegler, Esq. New Amst. until Menday the
ist May next, when they will be opened and the
highest offer, ifapproved of, will be accepted.
On thesame day and place will be sold amongst
the creditors of said Estatc, 18 bales good elean cot-
(on to the highest bidders. =F. BRITTLEBANK.
(5 April. Seguestrators.
View original TILE Subscribers offers for Sale the follow-
ing goods, cheap, for immediate payment :—Gen-
(lemens superfine black- blue- olive- and grey mixcd
coats and coatics, white and preifed quilting vests
toilenetic, kersymere aud black florentine do., fine
linen and cotton sbirts with frills, flannel shirts wilh
long and short sleeves, plain and striped jean trow-
sers, twecled cotton, jackets and trowsers, kersymere
pantaloons, gentlemens black and drab London bea-
ver hats, silk and willow do., boys black and drab
hats, ladies and girls bonnetts, ladies hoze, gentle-
mens lambs wool anchle socks, boots & shoes, cotton
hammocks, an assortment of necro clothing, bluc-
whites and red- spotted frocks for sailors, striped
cotton shirts and trowsers for servantsyplue flannel
shirts for sailors, negro blankets, superfge blue and
green cloths, red table covers, thread from No. 10 to
22, stationary assorted, tea, pickles, preserves and
fish sauces, shoe brushes, house brooms, soap & can-
dles in boxes of 56 tbs. each, smoaked herrings in
hegs, bologne sausages, Dutch beef in half barrels,
flour in do., potatoes in hampers, wine per duzen,
brockery ware assorted, &c.
15 April. ALLAN STEWART & Co.
. Lot No. 20, New Amst
WILLIAM CROFT offers for Sale, on
reasonable terms, at the Store of J. B. Rule, Esq. the
following goods lately tmported, viz :—cotton bag-
cing, Osnaburgs, best Carlisle checks, seine & mul-
let twine, Osnaburg and white tbread, seine nets 10
fathoms long, negro clothing consisting of hats, re-
kets, trowsers, shirfs, wrappers, & laps, toes, shov-
els, and nails, paching- sail- boll-rope- and Osni-
burg needles, iron pols, negro pipes, &e. ALSO
on hand from former importations : Split peas, pearl
barley, paints and oil, sp. turpentine, beer & poricr,
mustard, cordage, all sorts of stationary, Chira and
earthen ware, black- biue- brown- and green- broad-
cloths, green baize and table covers, muslins, cali-
coes, ginghams, linen and cotton pocket handker-
chiefs, linen and sheeting, centlemen’s coats, waist-
coats, trowsers,” prntaloons, jackets, hats and shoes,
ladies bonnets, genUemey writing desks, tool chests,
Xe.—15 April.
NOTICE.—The following doubtful out-
standing debts being found in the boedle of the late
I’. 0. Mosset, viz, J... van Mandhar, order op M.
i. Costenbader tor f 68.— Haan, Goed f 44.
Surnel Bain, Good f49. and Acct. f52.—1. I’.
(iatlez, Oblig. for £402 - 10.—J. R. Oukey, Oblig.
tor 112 gallons rum.—J. Gouverneur, Oblig. f 15.
J. Quarless, Acct. (27 - 10.—Capt. Thompson for
S. Barnes, in Dewerary, Acct. f 540.
It is therefore (hat ail those who it may concern,
ore reanested ty make immedinte payment to the un-
iened, or to give the necessary information to
vim should they have contra accounts or receipts for
hese remaining in default to comply with this re-
quest, shall be prosecuted as the Law directs.
E. FL. HANTZE, qq. the Execut’rs
to April. boedle F. L. Mosset.
a (a
DRIE PED from the Subscriber, since Sa-
turday last a Corjaal, marked W. B.C. C. 1814,—
any person forwarding the same will be rewarded.
lo April. J. pu BOC.
FOR SALE a large Punt 50 feet by 135
wide, nearly new—enquire at the house of
15 April. H. LUTHERS.
EEN TIMMERMAN zich gereegen voc-
lende het opzicht te nceemen tot het vraamen, opzet-
fen en voltooijen vanecn Drogery, op cen Koffy Plan-
lagie, in deze rivier, gclieve zich te vervoegen by
een der ondergeteckenden voor verder naricht.
G. PAUELS, qq.
22 April. H. LUTHERS, qq.
———- SD
FOR SALE, Simaruba planks and boards,
and crab clapboards, on very low terms for imme-
diate payment.
8 April. B. ZIEGLER.
View original ADVERTEN'TLE.—Capt. Willems heett
zyn Winkel opgezet in het huis van wyle Mrs. Buse,
en verkooptaldaar Rigasche delen- latten- en rig-
eels, spykers, kalk, cement, verf waaren, FTolland-
sche linnens, hoeden, pypen, provisicn, wyn, &c.
alles ten civiclste pryzeg,—om reden hy met den 10¢
Mei aanstaande wenscht te vertrekken. Verzoeken-
de alle de genen welke nog goederen aan boord mog-
te hebben, dezelven ten spoedigsten aftehalen. Ver-
zoekende vriendelyk de genen welke iets te laden
mogten hebben, zich by hem te verv@&gen ten bo-
vengemclde plaatze. 8 April
me wi CT oe
View original Published every Saturday at 4 o'clock P Ms
By W. SCHULZ & Co.
Privileged Government Printers

29 April 1815